Source code for sire.restraints._restraints

__all__ = [

from .. import u

def _to_atoms(mols, atoms):
    Internal function used to convert `mols[atoms]` into a list
    of atoms
    from ..mol import selection_to_atoms

    return selection_to_atoms(mols, atoms)

[docs] def angle(mols, atoms, theta0=None, ktheta=None, name=None, map=None): """ Create a set of anglel restraints from all of the atoms in 'atoms' where all atoms are contained in the container 'mols', using the passed values of the force constant 'ktheta' and equilibrium angle value theta0. If theta0 is None, then the current angle for provided atoms will be used as the equilibium value. If ktheta is None, then a default value of 100 kcal mol-1 rad-2 will be used Parameters ---------- mols : sire.system._system.System The system containing the atoms. atoms : SireMol::Selector<SireMol::Atom> The atoms to restrain. ktheta : str or SireUnits::Dimension::GeneralUnit or, optional The force constants for the angle restraints. If None, this will default to 100 kcal mol-1 rad-2. Default is None. theta0 : str or SireUnits::Dimension::GeneralUnit, optional The equilibrium angles for the angle restraints. If None, these will be measured from the current coordinates of the atoms. Default is None. Returns ------- AnglelRestraints : SireMM::AngleRestraints A container of angle restraints, where the first restraint is the AngleRestraint created. The angle restraint created can be extracted with AngleRestraints[0]. """ from .. import u from ..base import create_map from import AngleRestraint, AngleRestraints map = create_map(map) map_dict = map.to_dict() ktheta = ktheta if ktheta is not None else map_dict.get("ktheta", None) theta0 = theta0 if theta0 is not None else map_dict.get("theta0", None) name = name if name is not None else map_dict.get("name", None) atoms = _to_atoms(mols, atoms) if len(atoms) != 3: raise ValueError( "You need to provide 3 atoms to create an angle restraint" f"whereas {len(atoms)} atoms were provided." ) from .. import measure if ktheta is None: ktheta = u("100 kcal mol-1 rad-2") elif type(ktheta) is list: raise NotImplementedError( "Setup of multiple angle restraints simultaneously is not currently supported. " "Please set up each restraint individually and then combine them into multiple restraints." ) if theta0 is None: from .. import measure theta0 = measure(atoms[0], atoms[1], atoms[2]) elif type(theta0) is list: raise NotImplementedError( "Setup of multiple angle restraints simultaneously is not currently supported. " "Please set up each restraint individually and then combine them into multiple restraints." ) else: theta0 = u(theta0) mols = mols.atoms() if name is None: restraints = AngleRestraints() else: restraints = AngleRestraints(name=name) restraints.add(AngleRestraint(mols.find(atoms), theta0, ktheta)) return restraints
[docs] def boresch( mols, receptor, ligand, kr=None, ktheta=None, kphi=None, r0=None, theta0=None, phi0=None, name=None, map=None, temperature=u("298 K"), ): """ Create a set of Boresch restraints that will restrain the 6 external degrees of freedom of the ligand relative to the receptor. All of the atoms in both 'ligand' and 'receptor' must be contained in 'mols'. Note that restraint energies are defined as k*x**2 (so forces are defined as 2*k*x) and hence the 'kr', 'ktheta' and 'kphi' values are half the force constants for the distance, angle and torsion restraints. The BoreschRestraint will be a set of six restraints between three identified ligand atoms, and three identified receptor atoms: 1. A single distance restraint, with specified force constant (kr) and equilibrium distance (r0) parameters. 2. Two angle restraints, with specified force constants (ktheta) and equilibrium angles (theta0) parameters. 3. Three torsion restraints, with specified force constants (kphi) and equilibrium angles (phi0) parameters. This will create a single BoreschRestraint, which will be passed back in a BoreschRestraints object. Parameters ---------- mols : sire.system._system.System The system containing the receptor and ligand. receptor : SireMol::Selector<SireMol::Atom> The receptor atoms to restrain. ligand : SireMol::Selector<SireMol::Atom> The ligand atoms to restrain. kr : str or SireUnits::Dimension::GeneralUnit, optional Half the force constant for the distance restraint. If None, this will default to 5 kcal mol-1 A-2. Default is None. ktheta : str or SireUnits::Dimension::GeneralUnit or list of str or SireUnits::Dimension::GeneralUnit, optional Half the force constants for the angle restraints, in the order kthetaA, kthetaB If None, this will default to 50 kcal mol-1 rad-2 for both angle restraints. If a list, then this should be a list of length 2 containing the force constants for the two angle restraints. If a single value, then this will be used for both angle restraints. Default is None. kphi : str or SireUnits::Dimension::GeneralUnit or list of str or SireUnits::Dimension::GeneralUnit, optional Half the force constants for the torsion restraints, in the order kthetaA, kthetaB, kthetaC. If None, this will default to 50 kcal mol-1 rad-2 for all three torsion restraints. If a list, then this should be a list of length 3 containing the force constants for the three torsion restraints. If a single value, then this will be used for all three torsion restraints. Default is None. r0 : str or SireUnits::Dimension::GeneralUnit, optional The equilibrium distance for the distance restraint. If None, this will be measured from the current coordinates of the atoms. Default is None. theta0 : list of str or SireUnits::Dimension::GeneralUnit, optional The equilibrium angles for the angle restraints. If None, these will be measured from the current coordinates of the atoms. If a list, then this should be a list of length 2 containing the equilibrium angles for the two angle restraints. Default is None. phi0 : list of str or SireUnits::Dimension::GeneralUnit, optional The equilibrium angles for the torsion restraints. If None, these will be measured from the current coordinates of the atoms. If a list, then this should be a list of length 3 containing the equilibrium angles for the three torsion restraints. Default is None. name : str, optional The name of the restraint. If None, then a default name will be used. Default is None. map : dict, optional A dictionary of additional options. Note that any options set in this dictionary that are also specified via one of the arguments above will be overridden by the argument value temperature : str or SireUnits::Dimension::GeneralUnit, optional The temperature to use when checking for unstable restraints. If None, then this will default to 298 K. Default is None. Returns ------- BoreschRestraints : SireMM::BoreschRestraints A container of Boresch restraints, where the first restraint is the BoreschRestraint created. The Boresch restraint created can be extracted with BoreschRestraints[0]. Examples -------- Create a set of Boresch restraints for the ligand in the system 'system', specifying all of the force constants and equilibrium values: >>> my_boresch_restraints = boresch( >>> system, >>> receptor=system["protein"]["atomidx 1538 or atomidx 1518 or atomidx 1540"], >>> ligand=system["resname LIG"]["atomidx 4 or atomidx 3 or atomidx 5"], >>> kr="6.2012 kcal mol-1 A-2", >>> ktheta=["28.7685 kcal mol-1 rad-2", "24.8204 kcal mol-1 rad-2"], >>> kphi=["59.8626 kcal mol-1 rad-2", "0.7923 kcal mol-1 rad-2", "55.1775 kcal mol-1 rad-2"], >>> r0="7.687 A", >>> theta0=["1.3031 rad", "1.4777 rad"], >>> phi0=["2.5569 rad", "2.9359 rad", "1.4147 rad"], >>> ) >>> my_boresch_restraint = my_boresch_restraints[0] """ from ..base import create_map from import BoreschRestraint, BoreschRestraints # If an argument is not specified in the function # arguments, but is specified in the map, update # the argument from the map. map = create_map(map) map_dict = map.to_dict() kr = kr if kr is not None else map_dict.get("kr", None) ktheta = ktheta if ktheta is not None else map_dict.get("ktheta", None) kphi = kphi if kphi is not None else map_dict.get("kphi", None) r0 = r0 if r0 is not None else map_dict.get("r0", None) theta0 = theta0 if theta0 is not None else map_dict.get("theta0", None) phi0 = phi0 if phi0 is not None else map_dict.get("phi0", None) name = name if name is not None else map_dict.get("name", None) temperature = ( temperature if temperature is not None else map_dict.get("temperature", None) ) receptor = _to_atoms(mols, receptor) ligand = _to_atoms(mols, ligand) if len(receptor) != 3 or len(ligand) != 3: # Eventually will choose the best atoms from the receptor # and ligand... raise ValueError( "You need to provide 3 receptor atoms and 3 ligand atoms" f"but only {len(receptor)} receptor atoms and {len(ligand)} " f"ligand atoms were provided." ) from .. import measure default_distance_k = u("5 kcal mol-1 A-2") default_angle_k = u("50 kcal mol-1 rad-2") # Use the user-specified equilibrium values if they are provided. distance = [[ligand[0], receptor[0]]] angles = [ [receptor[1], receptor[0], ligand[0]], [receptor[0], ligand[0], ligand[1]], ] dihedrals = [ [receptor[2], receptor[1], receptor[0], ligand[0]], [receptor[1], receptor[0], ligand[0], ligand[1]], [receptor[0], ligand[0], ligand[1], ligand[2]], ] restraint_components = { "distance": { "input_k": kr, "validated_k": [], "input_equil": r0, "measure": distance, "validated_equil": [], }, "angle": { "input_k": ktheta, "validated_k": [], "input_equil": theta0, "measure": angles, "validated_equil": [], }, "dihedral": { "input_k": kphi, "validated_k": [], "input_equil": phi0, "measure": dihedrals, "validated_equil": [], }, } for restraint_component in restraint_components: n_measures = len(restraint_components[restraint_component]["measure"]) # Get the force constants. if restraint_components[restraint_component]["input_k"] is None: restraint_components[restraint_component]["validated_k"] = n_measures * [ ( default_distance_k if restraint_component == "distance" else default_angle_k ) ] elif type(restraint_components[restraint_component]["input_k"]) is not list: # Populate the list with the single specified value. restraint_components[restraint_component]["validated_k"] = n_measures * [ u(restraint_components[restraint_component]["input_k"]) ] else: if len(restraint_components[restraint_component]["input_k"]) == 0: # Empty list - populate with default values. restraint_components[restraint_component]["validated_k"] = ( n_measures * [ ( default_distance_k if restraint_component == "distance" else default_angle_k ) ] ) elif len(restraint_components[restraint_component]["input_k"]) == 1: # List of length 1 - populate with that value. restraint_components[restraint_component]["validated_k"] = ( n_measures * [u(restraint_components[restraint_component]["input_k"][0])] ) elif ( len(restraint_components[restraint_component]["input_k"]) == n_measures ): # List of the correct length for this restraint component. restraint_components[restraint_component]["validated_k"] = [ u(x) for x in restraint_components[restraint_component]["input_k"] ] else: # List of the wrong length. raise ValueError( f"Input force constants for {restraint_component} must be a single value or a list of length {n_measures}" ) # Get the equilibrium values. if restraint_components[restraint_component]["input_equil"] is None: # Set all components to None - these will be measured from the structure later. restraint_components[restraint_component]["input_equil"] = [ None for i in range(n_measures) ] if type(restraint_components[restraint_component]["input_equil"]) is not list: # Only allow this if we are dealing with the distance component, as this is the only one that can be a single value. if restraint_component == "distance": restraint_components[restraint_component]["input_equil"] = ( n_measures * [u(restraint_components[restraint_component]["input_equil"])] ) else: raise ValueError( f"Input equilibrium values for {restraint_component} must be a list of length {n_measures} of values or Nones" ) elif ( len(restraint_components[restraint_component]["input_equil"]) != n_measures ): raise ValueError( f"If specified, equilibrium values for {restraint_component} must be a list of length {n_measures} of values or Nones" ) # Now validate the input equilibrium values, replacing Nones with measured values. for i, equil in enumerate( restraint_components[restraint_component]["input_equil"] ): if equil is not None: restraint_components[restraint_component]["validated_equil"].append( u(equil) ) else: restraint_components[restraint_component]["validated_equil"].append( measure(*restraint_components[restraint_component]["measure"][i]) ) # Warn the user if the restraint is likely to be unstable. _check_stability_boresch_restraint(restraint_components, temperature) mols = mols.atoms() b = BoreschRestraint( receptor=mols.find(receptor), ligand=mols.find(ligand), r0=restraint_components["distance"]["validated_equil"][0], theta0=restraint_components["angle"]["validated_equil"], phi0=restraint_components["dihedral"]["validated_equil"], kr=restraint_components["distance"]["validated_k"][0], ktheta=restraint_components["angle"]["validated_k"], kphi=restraint_components["dihedral"]["validated_k"], ) if name is None: return BoreschRestraints(b) else: return BoreschRestraints(name, b)
def _check_stability_boresch_restraint(restraint_components, temperature=u("298 K")): """ Internal function to check for likely unstable Boresch restraints. """ import warnings as _warnings from .. import units # Check for unstable combinations of force constants. if restraint_components["distance"]["validated_k"][0].value() == 0: raise ValueError('"kr" cannot be zero') if restraint_components["angle"]["validated_k"][0].value() == 0: if ( restraint_components["dihedral"]["validated_k"][0].value() != 0 or restraint_components["dihedral"]["validated_k"][1].value() != 0 ): raise ValueError( "Restraining phiA or phiB without restraining thetaA " "will produce unstable Boresch restraints." ) if restraint_components["angle"]["validated_k"][1].value() == 0: if ( restraint_components["dihedral"]["validated_k"][1].value() != 0 or restraint_components["dihedral"]["validated_k"][2].value() != 0 ): raise ValueError( "Restraining phiB or phiC without restraining thetaB " "will produce unstable Boresch restraints." ) # Ensure that restrained angles are >= 10 kT from collinear. for equil_angle, k_angle in zip( restraint_components["angle"]["validated_equil"], restraint_components["angle"]["validated_k"], ): if k_angle.value() != 0: # Find the minimum stable angle "distance". We use the squared values as sire units don't support # taking the square root. min_stable_dist_sq = (2 * 10 * units.k_boltz * temperature) / k_angle min_dist_sq = min( [abs(equil_angle - 0), abs(equil_angle - 180 * units.degrees)] ).pow(2) if min_dist_sq < min_stable_dist_sq: _warnings.warn( f"The equilibrium value angle value of {equil_angle} is within 10 kT of" "collinearity, which may result in unstable Boresch restraints." " Consider increasing the force constants or selecting equilibrium" " values further from 0 or pi radians." )
[docs] def dihedral(mols, atoms, phi0=None, kphi=None, name=None, map=None): """ Create a set of dihedral restraints from all of the atoms in 'atoms' where all atoms are contained in the container 'mols', using the passed values of the force constant 'kphi' and equilibrium torsion angle phi0. If phi0 is None, then the current torsional angle for the provided atoms will be used as the equilibium value. If kphi is None, then a default value of 100 kcal mol-1 rad-2 will be used Parameters ---------- mols : sire.system._system.System The system containing the atoms. atoms : SireMol::Selector<SireMol::Atom> The atoms to restrain. kphi : str or SireUnits::Dimension::GeneralUnit or, optional The force constants for the torsion restraints. If None, this will default to 100 kcal mol-1 rad-2. Default is None. phi0 : str or SireUnits::Dimension::GeneralUnit, optional The equilibrium torsional angle for restraints. If None, these will be measured from the current coordinates of the atoms. Default is None. Returns ------- DihedralRestraints : SireMM::DihedralRestraints A container of Dihedral restraints, where the first restraint is the DihedralRestraint created. The Dihedral restraint created can be extracted with DihedralRestraints[0]. """ from .. import u from ..base import create_map from import DihedralRestraint, DihedralRestraints map = create_map(map) map_dict = map.to_dict() kphi = kphi if kphi is not None else map_dict.get("kphi", None) phi0 = phi0 if phi0 is not None else map_dict.get("phi0", None) name = name if name is not None else map_dict.get("name", None) atoms = _to_atoms(mols, atoms) if len(atoms) != 4: raise ValueError( "You need to provide 4 atoms to create a dihedral restraint" f"whereas {len(atoms)} atoms were provided." ) from .. import measure if kphi is None: kphi = u("100 kcal mol-1 rad-2") elif type(kphi) is list: raise NotImplementedError( "Setup of multiple dihedral restraints simultaneously is not currently supported. " "Please set up each restraint individually and then combine them into multiple restraints." ) if phi0 is None: from .. import measure phi0 = measure(atoms[0], atoms[1], atoms[2], atoms[3]) elif type(phi0) is list: raise NotImplementedError( "Setup of multiple dihedral restraints simultaneously is not currently supported. " "Please set up each restraint individually and then combine them into multiple restraints." ) else: phi0 = u(phi0) mols = mols.atoms() if name is None: restraints = DihedralRestraints() else: restraints = DihedralRestraints(name=name) restraints.add(DihedralRestraint(mols.find(atoms), phi0, kphi)) return restraints
[docs] def distance(mols, atoms0, atoms1, r0=None, k=None, name=None, map=None): """ Create a set of distance restraints from all of the atoms in 'atoms0' to all of the atoms in 'atoms1' where all atoms are contained in the container 'mols', using the passed values of 'k' and equilibrium bond length r0. Note that 'k' corresponds to half the force constant, because the restraint energy is defined as k*(r - r0)**2 (hence the force is defined as 2*k*(r-r0)). These restraints will be per atom-atom distance. If a list of k and/or r0 values are passed, then different values could be used for different atom-atom distances (assuming the same number as the number of atom-atom distances). Otherwise, all atom-atom distances will use the same parameters. If r0 is None, then the current atom-atom distance for each atom-atom pair will be used as the equilibium value. If k is None, then a default value of 150 kcal mol-1 A-2 will be used """ from .. import u from ..base import create_map from import BondRestraint, BondRestraints map = create_map(map) if k is None: k = [u("150 kcal mol-1 A-2")] elif type(k) is list: k = [u(x) for x in k] else: k = [u(k)] atoms0 = _to_atoms(mols, atoms0) atoms1 = _to_atoms(mols, atoms1) if atoms0.is_empty() or atoms1.is_empty(): raise ValueError("We need at least one atom in each group") while len(atoms0) < len(atoms1): atoms0 += atoms0[-1] while len(atoms1) < len(atoms0): atoms1 += atoms1[-1] if r0 is None: # calculate all of the current distances from .. import measure r0 = [] for atom0, atom1 in zip(atoms0, atoms1): r0.append(measure(atom0, atom1)) elif type(r0) is list: r0 = [u(x) for x in r0] else: r0 = [u(r0)] mols = mols.atoms() if name is None: restraints = BondRestraints() else: restraints = BondRestraints(name=name) for i, (atom0, atom1) in enumerate(zip(atoms0, atoms1)): idxs0 = mols.find(atom0) idxs1 = mols.find(atom1) if type(idxs0) is int: idxs0 = [idxs0] if type(idxs1) is int: idxs1 = [idxs1] if len(idxs0) == 0: raise KeyError( f"Could not find atom {atom0} in the molecules. Please ensure " "that 'mols' contains all of that atoms, or else we can't " "add the positional restraints." ) if len(idxs1) == 0: raise KeyError( f"Could not find atom {atom1} in the molecules. Please ensure " "that 'mols' contains all of that atoms, or else we can't " "add the positional restraints." ) if i < len(k): ik = k[i] else: ik = k[-1] if i < len(r0): ir0 = r0[i] else: ir0 = r0[-1] restraints.add(BondRestraint(idxs0[0], idxs1[0], ik, ir0)) return restraints
[docs] def bond(*args, **kwargs): """ Synonym for distance(), as a bond restraint is treated the same as a distance restraint """ return distance(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def positional(mols, atoms, k=None, r0=None, position=None, name=None, map=None): """ Create a set of position restraints for the atoms specified in 'atoms' that are contained in the container 'mols', using the passed values of 'k' and flat-bottom potential well-width 'r0' for the restraints. Note that 'k' values correspond to half the force constants for the harmonic restraints, because the harmonic restraint energy is defined as k*(r - r0)**2 (hence the force is defined as 2*(r - r0)). These restraints will be per atom. If a list of k and/or r0 values are passed, then different values could be used for different atoms (assuming the same number as the number of atoms). Otherwise, all atoms will use the same parameters. If 'r0' is not specified, then a simple harmonic restraint is used. If 'k' is not specified, then a default of 150 kcal mol-1 A-2 will be used. """ from .. import u from ..base import create_map from import PositionalRestraint, PositionalRestraints map = create_map(map) if k is None: k = [u("150 kcal mol-1 A-2")] elif type(k) is list: k = [u(x) for x in k] else: k = [u(k)] if r0 is None: r0 = [u("0")] elif type(r0) is list: r0 = [u(x) for x in r0] else: r0 = [u(r0)] atoms = _to_atoms(mols, atoms) mols = mols.atoms() if name is None: restraints = PositionalRestraints() else: restraints = PositionalRestraints(name=name) coords_prop = map["coordinates"] if position is not None: from ..maths import Vector if type(position) is not list: position = len(atoms) * [Vector.to_vector(position)] else: position = [Vector.to_vector(x) for x in position] for i, atom in enumerate(atoms.atoms()): idxs = mols.find(atom) if type(idxs) is int: idxs = [idxs] elif len(idxs) == 0: raise KeyError( f"Could not find atom {atom} in the molecules. Please ensure " "that 'mols' contains all of that atoms, or else we can't " "add the positional restraints." ) if i < len(k): ik = k[i] else: ik = k[-1] if i < len(r0): ir0 = r0[i] else: ir0 = r0[-1] if position is None: restraints.add( PositionalRestraint(idxs[0],, ik, ir0) ) else: restraints.add(PositionalRestraint(idxs[0], position[i], ik, ir0)) return restraints