Source code for sire._thumbsup

__all__ = ["thumbs_up", "disable_thumbs_up", "get_thumbs_up_info"]

def _get_deny_filename():
    from pathlib import Path

    return Path.joinpath(Path.home(), ".sire_no_thumbs_up.txt")

def _is_thumbs_up_denied():
    """Return whether or not thumbs up are denied"""
    import os

    if (
        "SIRE_DONT_PHONEHOME" in os.environ
        and os.environ["SIRE_DONT_PHONEHOME"] != "0"
        return True
    elif os.path.exists(_get_deny_filename()):
        return True
        return False

[docs]def disable_thumbs_up(): """Permanently disable thumbs up. This will write a file into your home directory called '.sire_no_thumbs_up.txt'. If this file exists, then thumbs up are denied and no data will be sent to The only way to re-enable thumbs up is to remove the $HOME/.sire_no_thumbs_up.txt file. """ if not _is_thumbs_up_denied(): with open(_get_deny_filename(), "w") as FILE: FILE.write( "Sire's thumbs up is disabled.\n" "Remove this file if you want to re-enable it." )
_thumbs_up_data = None
[docs]def get_thumbs_up_info(): """Return the info that will be sent to if you call the thumbs_up() function. This will return nothing if you have disabled thumbs up using the 'disable_thumbs_up()' function. """ if _is_thumbs_up_denied(): return None global _thumbs_up_data if _thumbs_up_data is not None: return _thumbs_up_data import sire import sire.legacy from sire.legacy.Base import CPUID import os import sys import platform id = CPUID() data = {} # get information about the processor data["processor"] = id.brand() data["vendor"] = id.vendor() data["clockspeed"] = id.clockSpeed() data["numcores"] = id.numCores() # get information about the operating system data["platform"] = platform.system() if platform.system().startswith("Darwin"): data["OS"] = platform.mac_ver()[0] elif platform.system().startswith("Linux"): ld = platform.linux_distribution() data["OS"] = "%s (%s %s)" % (ld[0], ld[1], ld[2]) elif platform.system().startswith("Windows"): ld = platform.win32_ver() data["OS"] = "%s (%s %s)" % (ld[0], ld[1], ld[2]) else: data["OS"] = "unknown" u = platform.uname() data["uname"] = "%s | %s | %s | %s" % ( u.system, u.release, u.machine, u.processor, ) # get information about the version of Sire data["version"] = sire.__version__ data["repository"] = sire.config.sire_repository_url data["repository_version"] = sire.config.sire_repository_version # now get information about which Sire app is running import sys as _sys # get the executable name, but make sure we don't get the path # (as it may contain sensitive user information) data["executable"] = os.path.basename(_sys.executable) # Was Sire was imported as part of BioSimSpace? # If so, then rename the executable. if "BioSimSpace" in sys.modules: data["executable"] = "BioSimSpace" _thumbs_up_data = data return _thumbs_up_data
_sent_usage_data = None
[docs]def thumbs_up(): """Give Sire a thumbs up! This will send a small amount of data to to let us know that you like Sire, and what operating system and version of Sire you are using. (you can see all of the information that would be sent by calling "get_thumbs_up_info()") You can get more information about what is sent and why this is useful to us by visiting You can permanently disable thumbs_up() on your computer by calling "disable_thumbs_up()". This will write a small file to your home directory that will tell Sire to not allow any more thumbs_up data to be sent. """ global _sent_usage_data if _sent_usage_data is not None: # silently return - we will only send one thumbs up per run return data = get_thumbs_up_info() if data is None: # we aren't allowed to send anything return try: import json import http.client as htc import urllib.parse as parse params = parse.urlencode({"data": json.dumps(data)}) headers = { "Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Accept": "text/plain", } _sent_usage_data = data conn = htc.HTTPSConnection("") conn.request("POST", "/phonehome/postusagestats.php", params, headers) # Next time this breaks, remember to uncomment the below lines so that # we can inspect the response code and error from the server... # r1 = conn.getresponse() # print(r1.status, r1.reason) # print( except Exception: # something went wrong - just ignore the error # and cancel the phone home return