Coding Style

We really appreciate your help developing sire and welcome pull requests to the devel branch. To help us more quickly review your pull request, and to keep a consistent coding style throughout, we ask that you please follow the below coding styles (and that you aren’t offended if we modify your submission so that it meets these styles).


Python code should be written to be PEP8-compliant, ideally autoformatted using a tool such as black.


The developers use black and will autoformat all python code with this tool to maintain a consistent style. Please use black if you can, as this will make diffs, pull requests and other changes smaller and easier for everyone to review. Thanks :-)


To keep the code consistent, there a strict coding style is used in sire.

Please follow these rules to maintain this style. Also, if you see code that doesn’t follow these rules (we are all not perfect) then please feel free to either correct that code, or to notify one of the lead developers. This coding style has evolved over many years and many developers, and is needed to ensure that the C++ source code looks like a single homogenous set, which anyone can edit at any point.

All indentation should be multiples of 4 spaces. All tabs should be replaced by 4 spaces

For example

void foo()
    if (true)
        for (int i=0; i<10; ++i)
            //do something


void foo()
 if (true)
        for (int i=0; i<10; ++i){ /* do something */ }

Curly brackets should be used for all blocks, with { on a new line

For example

for (int i=0; i<10; ++i)
    if (condition)
        //do something


for (int i=0; i<10; ++i){
    if (condition) /* do something */;

Classes should be named using capital letters, using only the letters A-Za-z and numbers 0-9

Please do not use underscores. For example BigMolecule is acceptable, but bigMolecule, Bigmolecule Big_Molecule or bigmolecule are not.

Functions (methods) should be named in the same way as classes, except that the first letter should not be capitalised

For example getRadius() is acceptable, but GetRadius(), getradius() or get_radius() is not.

Variables (member data) should be named using all small case letters or numbers

Underscores should be used to separate words, and obvious abbreviations are recommended (e.g. mol for molecule). For example, added_mol is acceptable, but added_molecule should be avoided, and Added_Mol, addedMol, Addedmol are all not acceptable

Exceptions are named in the same way as variables

except abbreviations should not be used, e.g. missing_molecule is acceptable, but missing_mol or Missing_Molecule or MissingMolecule is not.

No line should be over 90 characters long

Long lines should be split, with the extra part indented so that it lines up with the above line, e.g.

AtomCoords coords = mol.atom( AtomName("O00") )

Always code using a fixed-width font

The code uses whitespace and indentation to make things clear, and this is lost if you use a variable width font

Use whitespace to make the code clean

For example, always have a blank line before a code block (e.g. function, if statement, for loop), except if it comes directly after an open brace {. For example

void foo()
    int a;

    if (a == 5)
        for (int i=0; i<10; ++i)
            if (b == 10)
                a = 5 * b;

                for (int j=0; j<11; ++j)

Speaking of braces, please use the above style

e.g. braces are on their own line and line up. This makes it much easier to read.

Sire uses doxygen-style comments

Sire uses Py++ to extract doxygen-style comments from the C++ source, which are then added to the Python wrappers, then extracted by sphinx to create the website.

This means comments should be written using these rules which are followed at all times, as the comments are seen in the Python wrappers.

  1. All class and function comments should start /** and end with */

  2. Please do not add @author information to classes or files, as this discourages others from changing your code. Instead, please add your name (or GitHub handle) to our Contributors file. (note that we are removing existing @author info, so bear with us if you still see any in the code).

  3. Use // for all other comments (even multiline). This is so that it is possible to quickly comment out blocks of text using /* and */

Finally, keep an eye here as more rules will be written

This document will continue to evolve. If you would like to debate an existing rule or propose a new rule then please raise an issue on GitHub.


The developers use the C++ autoformatting tool built into the C++ extension of VSCode (e.g. as described here). This is based on (and formats identically to clang-format using the Visual Studio theme - roughly equivalent to clang-format -style="{ BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifierOffset: -4, NamespaceIndentation: All, FixNamespaceComments: false })", and so can be installed on any IDE (or run from the command line). Please use the VSCode autoformatter, or clang-format if you can, as this will make diffs, pull requests and other changes smaller and easier for everyone to review. Thanks :-)