How to ask for help

We are really happy that you are using sire, and want to do everything we can to help you if you have any problems.

We have limited resources, so please help us help you by doing the following:

  1. Check the GitHub issues page to see if anyone else is having a similar problem. Join the discussion there by either upvoting the issue, or posting your own experience. This will help us all, as a community, work together to share and help each other with our problems.

  2. If your issue hasn’t been posted, please double-check that there isn’t anything in the tutorial or API documentation, or anywhere else in this website that could help you.

  3. If your problem is with the code, then please check that you are running the latest version of sire. We are continually working to fix bugs, so hopefully we have already fixed your problem in the newest release. Please install the newest release of sire (e.g. in a new conda environment) and check to see if you still experience your problem.

  4. If you can’t find help from any of the place mentioned above, then please create a new issue on our GitHub issues page that fully describes the problem. Please let us know the operating system you are using (e.g. Linux, MacOS or Windows), and confirm that you are using the latest release of sire. Please describe the problem in as much detail as you can. It helps if you can provide example input files or a small piece of code that can reproduce your issue. This will help us to create a unit test that reproduces your problem on our computers, so that we can then work on creating a fix.

Please remember to be respectful of everyone in the community, and be patient. Be mindful of our code of conduct.