
Binary packages for sire are available on MacOS, Linux and Windows running on Intel/AMD (X86-64) or ARM64 processors.

sire can be compiled on any UNIX or Windows-compatible operating system running on X86-64, ARM64 or PowerPC processors.

You have a range of options for installing the software.

1. No-installation - Run in a Web Browser

We run a completely free JupyterHub on which we have sire installed.

This is at You only need a GitHub account, which is used to log into the server.

Simply go to in your web browser, and log in using your GitHub account. This will start a Jupyter Lab instance. In here you can start a terminal, and then use sire directly via ipython. Or you can start a Jupyter notebook and use sire there.

To import sire, at a Python prompt type

>>> import sire as sr

If this imports without errors, then everything is working. We encourage you to take a look at the tutorial to learn how to use sire or the quickstart guide if you want an overview.


This free JupyterHub server is limited. You only have up to 2 GB of memory and at most 1 processor core. Disk storage is temporary, and any data will be lost when you log out. Because it only supports a limited number of concurrent users, inactive sessions will be automatically stopped and logged out after 20 minutes. Please only use this service to explore and learn sire. Do not use it for production work.

2. Easy installation - Run in a conda environment

The easiest way to install sire is in a new conda environment.

You can use any conda environment or installation. We recommend using miniforge3, as this is pre-configured to use conda-forge.

Either… Install a new copy of miniforge

To install a new copy of miniforge, first download a miniforge3 from this page that matches your operating system and processor.

Install miniforge following the instructions here.

Once installed, you should be able to run the conda command to install other packages (e.g. conda -h will print out help on how to use the conda command).

Or… Use an existing anaconda/miniconda install

If you want to use an existing anaconda or miniconda installation, then first open a terminal with that distribution activated. For example, open a terminal via anaconda navigator, or open a terminal and run source /path/to/conda/bin/activate, where /path/to/conda is the full path to your anaconda or miniconda installation.

You should now be able to run the conda command to install other packages (e.g. conda -h will print out help on how to use the conda command).

And then… Install sire into a new environment

We recommend that sire is installed into a new (clean) environment. This minimises the risk of failures caused by incompatible dependencies.

Sire is currently packaged for Python 3.10, 3.11 and Python 3.12. We will start by creating a Python 3.12 environment that we will call openbiosim.

$ conda create -n openbiosim "python<3.13"


We use python<3.13 as this will install the most recent 3.12 release of python.

We can now install sire into that environment by typing

$ conda install -n openbiosim -c conda-forge -c openbiosim sire


The option -n openbiosim tells conda to install sire into the openbiosim environment. The option -c conda-forge tells conda to use the conda-forge channel for all dependencies. The option -c openbiosim tells conda to install sire from the openbiosim conda channel.

If you want the latest development release, then install by typing

$ conda install -n openbiosim -c conda-forge -c "openbiosim/label/dev" sire

You can install a specific version of sire by specifying the version number in the conda install command, e.g.

conda install -n openbiosim -c conda-forge -c openbiosim sire==2024.1.0

Note that limited space means that we can only keep a small number of versions of sire on the official openbiosim conda channel. Generally these are all point releases of the latest major version, plus the latest point release of the last major version.

We do provide an archive channel of all previous releases. You can search this archive channel for the release you are interested in using the following command:

conda search -c sire

This will return a list of all versions of sire available in the archive.

You can install a specific version from the archive using a command like:

conda install -n openbiosim -c sire==2023.2.3

You may (optionally) want to install additional tools such as ipython and jupyterlab. To do this, type

$ conda install -n openbiosim ipython jupyterlab

To run sire, you must now activate the openbiosim environment. You can do this by typing

$ conda activate openbiosim

You can now start a Python session (e.g. running python, or ipython or jupyter lab if you installed those). At the Python prompt you can import sire by typing

>>> import sire as sr

If this imports without errors, then everything is working. We encourage you to take a look at the tutorial to learn how to use sire or the quickstart guide if you want an overview.

3. Also easy installation - Run in a container


Because of low demand, pre-built containers are created only for major releases, and may be out of date compared to the newest release. Please get in touch if you want to use a container and would like us to build the latest release.

Another route to install sire is to download and run our pre-built containers. These can be run via docker (on Linux, MacOS and Windows) or via podman (on Linux) on Intel (X86-64) or ARM64 processors.

To run via docker, simply type;

$ docker run -p 8888:8888 -it openbiosim/sire:latest

or, via podman, type;

$ podman run -p 8888:8888 -it openbiosim/sire:latest

This will download the container from and will start a command prompt in that container.

You can now type python, ipython or jupyter lab to start a python, ipython or jupyter lab session.


The option -p 8888:8888 tells docker/podman to redirect port 8888 on your computer to port 8888 in the container. This will let you open a browser and navigate to the URL printed by jupyter lab if you are using jupyter. You can drop this option if you don’t want to use jupyter lab.


You can map directories from your computer into the container by using the -v option. For example, -v $HOME/input:/home/openbiosim/input would map your input folder in your home directory to the input folder in the home directory of the container. This will let sire read and write files on your computer.

You can now start a Python session (e.g. running python, or ipython or jupyter lab if you installed those). At the Python prompt you can import sire by typing

>>> import sire as sr

If this imports without errors, then everything is working. We encourage you to take a look at the tutorial to learn how to use sire or the quickstart guide if you want an overview.

4. Harder installation - Compile from source

Sometimes you will want to compile and run sire from source. This could be because we don’t distribute a binary package for your operating system, or because you want to use a newer version (e.g. code from the devel branch, or from your own feature branch if you are a developer).

You compile sire into an existing anaconda / miniconda environment. Please create and activate an environment, e.g. by following the instructions to install a fresh miniforge and then creating and activating Python 3.11 environment called openbiosim.

Next, download the source code. You could download the latest development version of sire by typing;

$ git clone

This will download into a directory called sire. Navigate into this directory (e.g. cd sire).


This will fail if git is not installed on your computer. You can easily install git using conda, e.g. run conda install git.

You can change to a different branch using the git checkout BRANCH command, e.g.

$ git checkout main

will check out the main branch of sire. This always corresponds to the last released version of sire. Or, you can check out a feature branch using

$ git checkout feat_name

where feat_name should be replaced by the name of the feature branch you want to compile.

Compilation and installation of sire is managed via the script.


$ python --help

to get a help on all of the options.

Typically, you just want to compile and install sire. To do this, type

$ python install

This will download and install all of the dependencies via conda. It will then compile the sire C++ libraries, and then the Python wrappers. Be patient, as compilation can take quite a while!


You need to have Visual Studio C++ (2017 or newer) installed to compile on Windows. The easiest way to do this is to install the free Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition. Make sure to install “Desktop development with C++”, including the options “MSVC v143 - VS 2022 C++ x64/x86 build tools (v14.30)”, “C++ CMake tools for Windows”, and at least one of “Windows 11 SDK” and/or “Windows 10 SDK” (any version will do). You can, optionally, install the older C++ compilers too, e.g. “MSVC v142 - VS 2019 C++ x64/x86 build tools (v14.29)”, and/or “MSVC v141 - VS 2017 C++ x64/x86 build tools (v14.16)”. Currently only the X64 compilers have been tested - we are interested to try Windows/ARM64 once more of the dependencies are available.

If you plan to install BioSimSpace on top of sire, then you should install using;

$ python --install-bss-deps install

This will use conda to download and install all of BioSimSpace’s dependencies as well. This ensures that incompatible versions of shared dependencies are not accidentally installed.

Once sire has installed, you can import it in a python, ipython or jupyter lab session by typing

>>> import sire as sr

If this imports without errors, then everything is working. We encourage you to take a look at the tutorial to learn how to use sire or the quickstart guide if you want an overview.

Please take a look at our developer guide for more information on how to develop and contribute new code to sire.

5. Hardest install - build your own custom conda packages

The sire conda packages that we build have a lot of dependencies that may conflict with your own environment. This is because we build sire to be compatible with the latest version of BioSimSpace, which itself optionally depends on a large number of simulation packages.

You can build your own sire conda package that has fewer dependencies, or which is compatible with the packages already installed in your conda environment. There are a few steps you need to complete.

A. Define your runtime environment

The first step is to describe the desired runtime environment for the package. The easiest way to do this is to create that environment, e.g. by installing the packages you want, and to then create an environment.yml file that describes that environment. You can do this by running

$ conda env export -f environment.yml

This will create an environment file called environment.yml that creates pins for the exact version of all of the packages installed in your environment.

If you want, you can edit this file to add or remove pins. Simply delete lines describing the version of packages that you don’t need pinned, add new lines if there are additional packages that you do want pinned, or even update the version number of the pins if you can allow more flexibility for the installation.

B. Check out the sire source code

The next step is to check out the sire source code (if you haven’t already).

$ git clone -b main

This checks the main branch of the code out into a directory called sire. You can build a package for any branch of the code. Typically, you will want to choose the main branch, as this always corresponds to the last release. You can checkout the main branch by changing into the sire directory and running;

$ git checkout main

C. Create the conda build environment

While you could build in your existing environment, it is cleaner to build in a dedicated build environment. Here, we will create a build environment called build_sire. You can use any name you want.

$ conda env create -n build_sire -f environment.yml

Activate that environment

$ conda activate build_sire

And then install the tools needed to run conda-build

$ conda install -y -c conda-forge boa anaconda-client packaging=21 pip-requirements-parser

D. Create the conda recipe

Next, we need to create the conda recipe to build the package. We do this by running the script actions/ You can add the path to your environment.yml file as an argument. This tells the script to create a recipe that includes all of the pins in the environment.yml. For example;

$ python actions/ environment.yml

would create the recipe using the pins in environment.yml (assuming this file was in the current directory).

The recipe is written to recipes/sire/meta.yaml. You can (optionally) edit the pins in this file too, if you want to do some fine-tuning.


You may need to edit the recipe to fix version inconsistencies. This is especially the case for rdkit - you need to to make sure that if you specify a version for rdkit in your environment.yml that you also use the same version for the rdkit-devel package.

E. Building the package

You can now run conda-build to create the package.

$ conda build -c conda-forge -c openbiosim/label/dev recipes/sire

This will take a while. At the end, it will print out the location of the sire conda package, e.g.


The above command assumes that you don’t need any other channels included to install all of the packages included in your environment.yml. The actions/ script will print out the correct conda build command at the end, which includes any extra channels that are needed.

# To have conda build upload to automatically, use
# conda config --set anaconda_upload yes
anaconda upload \
anaconda_upload is not set.  Not uploading wheels: []

INFO :: The inputs making up the hashes for the built packages are as follows:
  "sire-2023.3.0-py310hf95ea87_25": {
    "recipe": {
      "c_compiler": "clang",
      "cxx_compiler": "clangxx",
      "numpy": "1.22",
      "target_platform": "osx-64"

In this case, you can see that the package is the file /path/to/miniforge/envs/build_sire/conda-bld/osx-64/sire-2023.3.0-py310hf95ea87_25.tar.bz2.

Copy this conda package to wherever you need (e.g. into a channel, upload to conda, etc.).


A full set of tests will be run on the package after it has been built. Some of these tests may fail if you have edited the recipe to remove some of the dependencies. If this happens, you can decide to ignore the tests, e.g. by removing them from the conda recipe (meta.yml) or by just copying the file that is produced and has been placed into the conda-bld/broken directory.

You can then install it, either via the channel you’ve uploaded to, or by directly running conda install on the package file itself.