

Searches are based on the concept of “views”:

  • atom - an individual atom

  • bond - an individual bond. Pairs of atoms can (optionally) be connected together via bonds.

  • residue - an individual residue. Atoms (optionally) belong to residues. Also sometimes shortened to res.

  • chain - an individual chain. Residues (optionally) belong to chains.

  • segment - an individual collection of atoms. Also sometimes shortened to seg.

  • molecule - a complete molecule Also sometimes shortened to mol.


Searches then use the different types of identifiers for views:

  • name - the name of the view, e.g. atomname CA would match atoms that are called CA, while resname ALA matches residues called ALA.

  • num - the number of the view, e.g. atomnum 35 matches atoms with number 35, while molnum 1 matches molecule number 1. Note that only atoms, residues and molecules have numbers.

  • idx - the index of the view within its container, e.g. chainidx 0 would match the first chain in the molecule, while segidx -1 would match the last segment.

The names of these identifiers for each view are shown in this table.





























Note that bond views cannot be identified directly by name, number or index.


Numbers used in searches can be:

  • Individual, e.g. resnum 35 searches for the residue with number 35.

  • A range, e.g. atomidx 0:10 searches for atoms with indicies in the range from 0 to 9, i.e. the half-open range [0-10).

  • A stepped range, e.g. molidx 0:10:2 would search for molecules with indicies 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8, i.e. the half-open range from 0 to 10 in steps of 2.

  • A reverse range, e.g. residx 3:0:-1 would search for residues with indicies 3, 2, or 1, i.e. the half-open range from 3 to 0 in steps of -1

  • An unbounded range, e.g. molidx 10: would search for molecules with indicies 10 upwards. Similarly, residx 3::-1 search from 3 downwards, in steps of -1, so would match 3, 2, 1, or 0.

  • A list of numbers, e.g. resnum 12,14,20 would search for residues with numbers 12, 14 or 20.

  • Any combination of the above, e.g. molidx 1,3,5,10:15,100: would search for molecules with indicies 1, 3 or 5, or in the half-open range from [10,15), or from 100 upwards.


Strings used in searches can be:

  • Individual, e.g. resname ALA searches only for residues with name ALA.

  • A regular expression glob pattern, e.g. resname /AL*/ matches any residues whose name starts with AL. Similarly, resname /HI[ESDP]/ matches any residues whose names are HI followed by a E, S, D or P, i.e. HIE, HIS, HID or HIP. This is implemented using Qt’s wildCardToRegularExpression function, the syntax of which is further described here.

  • A case-insensitive regular expression glob pattern, e.g. resname /ala/i matches any residue whose name (in any case) matches ala.

  • A list of names, e.g. resname ALA,ARG,ASP would match any residue whose name was ALA or ARG or ASP.

  • Any combination of the above, e.g. atomname N,/C*/i would match atoms whose names were N or names that started with C or c.


Numbers (and other values as discussed below) can also be used in comparisons using the standard comparison operators:

  • == - compare equal, e.g. resnum == 3 matches residues with number 3. Note you can compare strings too, e.g. atomname == CA matches atoms called CA.

  • != - compare not equal, e.g. atomnum != 5 matches all atoms which don’t have a number 5. You can compare strings too, e.g. resnam != ALA matches all residues with names that are not equal to ALA.

  • > - compare greater than, e.g. molidx > 5 matches all molecule indicies greater than 5.

  • >= - compare greater or equal to, e.g atomidx >= 10 matches all atom indicies greater or equal to 10.

  • < - compare less than, e.g. segidx < 2 matches all segment indicies that are less than 2.

  • <= - compare less than or equal to, e.g. molnum <= 100 matches all molecule numbers less than or equal to 100.

  • =~ compare approximately equal to, e.g. atom mass =~ 16 matches all atoms whose mass is approximately 16.

Logical operators

Searches can be combined using the logical operators and, or and not. You can combine as many searches as you want. It is best to use round brackets to specify order when combining lots of searchers.

For example,

  • not X - return views that don’t match X, e.g. not atomname CA matches all atoms whose name is not CA.

  • X and Y - return views that match search X and search Y, e.g. atomname CA and resname ALA or atomname N and (not resname HIS).

  • X or Y - return views that match search X or search Y, e.g. atomnum 5 or atomname C or atomname N and (resname HIS or resnum 5). Note that passing a list of names or numbers is equivalent to passing the names or numbers via or, e.g. resname ALA or resname ASP is the same as resname ALA,ASP.

Returned View Types

Every search has a default view return type. This is the type of view that is returned by that search. Atom-based searches return Atom views, residue-based searches return Residue views etc.

When two searches with different return view types are combined, the smallest view type is returned. So a residue-based search combined with an atom-based search will return Atom views. A molecule-based search combined with a chain-based search will return Chain views.

Segment-based searches introduce complications, because they sit outside of the Atom < Residue < Chain < Molecule hierarchy. As such, a segment-based search combined with any smaller view-type search will always return Atom views.

This table shows the return view type for any combination of two searches.

















































Combinations of more than two searches are always decomposed into pairs of searches, which are combined using the precedence rules of the grammar, and with a return view type as described in the above table. To avoid confusion, it is better to indicate your preferred precedence using round brackets, e.g. use brackets to choose between (atomname CA or atomname C) and resname ALA or atomname CA or (atomname C and resname ALA).

Expansive (with) and Contractive (in) Searches

Expansive searches are those which return results that are at least the same size or larger than the original view being searched. For example, searching for the molecule from an atom view will give a molecule result. This is at least the same size (for single-atom molecules), but likely larger (for multi-atom molecules) than the searched atom.

Contractive searches are those which return results that are at most the same size or smaller than the original view being searched. For example, searching for an atom from a molecule view will give an atom result. This is at least the same size (for single-atom molecules), but likely smaller (for multi-atom molecules) than the searched molecule.

Whether a search is expansive (with) or contractive (in) depends on the relative size of the view being searched, and the view that is being returned as the result. This can be summarised as a table.









atoms in bond

atoms in residue

atoms in chain

atoms in segment

atoms in molecule


bonds with atom


bonds in residue

bonds in chain

bonds in segment

bonds in molecule


residues with atom

residues with bond


residues in chain

residues in segment

residues in molecule


chains with atom

chains with bond

chains with residue


chains in segment

chains in molecule


segments with atoms

segments with bond

segments with residue

segments with chain


segments in molecule


molecules with atom

molecules with bond

molecules with residue

molecules with chain

molecules with segment



X in Y is a contractive search that looks for the smaller views of type X within the larger view Y.

Y with X is an expansive search that returns larger views of type X that contain the smaller views of type Y.

Another way to think of this is that contractive searches are looking inside a view, while expansive searches are looking outside a view (looking for results with the original searched view contained within).

The in and with keywords enable you to be explicit about the contractive or expansive nature of a search.

  • view_type in X - perform a contractive search returning views of type view_type within the results of the search X. Examples include; atoms in resname ALA (return all of the atom views in residues that have name ALA); residues in chainidx 0 (return all of the residue views in the first chain); and bonds in * (return all of the bonds in the current view).

  • view_type with X - perform an expansive search returning views of type view_type that contain the results of the search X. Examples include; residues with atomname CA (return all of the residues that contain atoms called CA); molecules with resname ALA` (return all of the molecules with residues called ALA); and bonds with atomname H

    (return all of the bonds that contain at least one atom called H)

Match All Atoms, Residues, Chains etc.

You can match everything, specifying the return view type using the “match all” keywords:

  • atoms - return all of the atoms in the searched object. Also abbreviated to atom

  • bonds - return all of the bonds in the searched object. Also abbreviated to bond.

  • residues - return all of the residues in the searched object. Also abbreviated to residue or res.

  • chains - return all of the chains in the searched object. Also abbreviated to chain.

  • segments - return all of the segments in the searched object. Also abbreviated to segment, segs and seg.

  • molecules - return all of the molecules in the searched object. Also abbreviated to molecule, mols and mol.

  • all or * - everything in the current view being searched.

Whether these are expansive or contractive depends on the view that is searched, based on the same rules as for normal searches (e.g. searching for residues on an atoms view will be expansive, as it returns all residues that contain those atoms, while searching for residues on a molecule view will be contractive, as it searches for all residues in that molecule)

Advanced with and in Searches

with and in can be used for more than just view_type in X searches. The general syntax is X in Y or X with Y.

  • X in Y - search for views that match X in the results of the views that match Y. An example would be atomname CA in resname ALA (find atoms called CA in residues called ALA)

  • X with Y - search for views that match Y in the results of the views that match X. An example would be resname ALA with atomname CA (find residues called ALA in all of the residues that contain atoms called CA)

Understanding this, you can see that residues with atomname CA is a search that finds all residues that are with (contain) the results of searching for atoms with name CA. Similarly atoms in resname ALA is searching for all atoms that are in the results of searching for residues with name ALA. Similarly bonds in * means search for all bonds that are in the current view (as * or all is returns the view being searched).

Searching for Bonds using in, with, from and to

Searches involving bonds are more complex as they involve bridging between (potentially) two views. At the most basic, they always involve connecting two atoms. But this bond could be entirely within a residue, or between pairs of residues (and similarly for chains and segments).

  • bonds with X - an expansive search that finds all bonds that contains the result of X. As the only view smaller than a bond is an atom, X can only be a search that returns atom views. For example, bonds with atomname CA would return all bonds where at least one of the atoms in the bond was called CA.

  • bonds in X - a contractive search that finds all bonds that are contained wholly within the result of searching for X, e.g. bonds in residx 0 returns all bonds that are wholly within (both atoms within) the first residue.

  • bonds with atoms in X - an expansive search that finds all bonds

    involving any atoms that is returned by the search X. For example, bonds with atoms in resname ALA returns all bonds that have any atoms in residues called ALA.

The above two searches find either all the bonds inside X, or all the bonds that involve atoms in X. We need other keywords to find the bonds that specifically bridge between two views. These are to and from .. to.

  • bonds to X - a search that returns all bonds that have one atom contained in X and one atom that is not contained in X (i.e. all bonds that connect X to another view). For example, bonds to resnum 1 returns all bonds that connect residue number 1 to any other residue (or view).

  • bonds from X to Y - a search that returns all bonds that have one atom in X and one atom in Y, i.e. that connect X and Y. For example, bonds from resnum 1 to resnum 2 returns all the bonds between residue numbers 1 and 2.

Searching by Chemical Element

You can search for views that match or contain atoms with specified chemical elements. You do this using element. This search returns atom views. For example, element C would return all atom views that have the chemical element carbon.

The chemical element can be specified in a number of different ways:

  • element C - specify the chemical element by its IUPAC symbol, e.g. element H, element Na etc.

  • element c - specify the chemical element using its lowercase symbol, e.g. element h, element na etc.

  • element carbon - specify the chemical element using its lowercase name, e.g. element hydrogen, element sodium etc.

  • element C, H, Na - specify a list of elements. The atoms returned are those that match any in the list. The list can use any of the ways of specifying elements as above, e.g. element carbon, hydrogen would be valid, as would element carbon, H, na.

  • element biological - specify the elements that are considered to be “biological”, i.e. those in period 3 or less, which are not halogens or noble gases (the same definition used by the sire.mol.Element.biological() function). Note you can use the shorthand element bio to also match biological atoms.

Searching by Count (i.e. Number of Atoms)

You can search by counts, e.g. finding all molecules with more than one residue, using count.

You can do simple searches of the form view_type with/in count(view_type) compare number, e.g.

  • molecules with count(residues) > 1 - match all molecules that contain more than on residue

  • atoms in count(residues) == 1 - match all atoms that are in molecules that contain just one residue

  • residues in molecules with count(atoms) < 20 - match all residues that are in molecules with less than twenty atoms

You can also use more advanced with/in searches, e.g.

  • element C in residues with count(atoms) > 5 - match all carbon atoms in residues that have more than five atoms

  • element O in molecules with count(atoms) == 3 - match all oxygen atoms in molecules that have three atoms

  • resname /ALA/i in molecules with count(residues) > 20 - match all residues call ALA (in any case) in molecules that have more than 20 residues.

In the general case, the argument to count is actually a search too! So the full syntax is X with/in count(Y) compare number, which returns views that match X where the count of views that match Y in the view being searched compares true with the specified number. For example;

  • residues with count(element C) > 2 - match all residues that contain more than two carbon atoms

  • atoms in residues with count(atomname CA) == 1 - match all atoms in residues that contain a single atom called CA

  • (molecules with count(element O) == 1) and (molecules with count(element H) == 2) and (molecules with count(atoms) == 3) - match all molecules that contain three atoms, and that have one oxygen atom and have two hydrogen atoms (i.e. are water molecules).

Searching by Charge or Mass

You can search for views by their charge or mass using the charge or mass keywords. The grammar is X with charge compare number or X with mass Y compare number, where X is the view (or views) you want to calculate the mass or charge for, compare is the comparison operator (e.g. ==, <= etc.), and number is the value of the charge or mass you want to compare to. For example,

  • atoms with charge < 0 - return all atoms that have a change that is less than zero.

  • atoms with mass > 4 - return all atoms that have a mass that is greater than 4 g mol-1.

  • residues with charge >= 0.8 - return all residues that have a total charge of greater than or equal to 0.8 |e| (modulo electron charge units).

  • molecules with mass < 50 - return all molecules whose total mass is less than 50 g mol-1.

In the general case, X can be any search. So you could use,

  • element C with charge > 0.1 - return all carbon atoms with a charge greater than 0.1 |e|.

  • resname LIG with mass > 100 - return all residues called LIG that have a mass greater than 100 g mol-1.

You could also combine this with other searches, e.g.

  • mols with count(residues with charge > 0.5) > 5 - return all molecules with more than five residues that have a charge of more than 0.5 |e|.

Numerical imprecision can cause issues with charge searches. This is because rounding errors can mean that the sum of charges across, e.g. a residue or molecule, are non-integer. For example, for the aladip example used in the tutorials, the charges of the first two residues are 5.48778e-10 and -1.09756e-09. Searches for residues with zero charge, or with negative charge would fail for these two residues.

Searching by Charge using Approximate Comparisons

The approximate comparison operators can help solve the numerical imprecision issues experienced when searching for views by charge.

The approximate comparison operators are;

These operators are logically consistent. They are built from the approximately equal to operator (=~). This returns True if the two values compared are equal, or are equal to within an epsilon value. This is set via and can be retrieved using

These operators can be used to, e.g.

  • mols with charge =~ 0 - find all neutral molecules

  • residues with charge >~ 0 - find all positively charged residues

  • (molecules with count(atoms) == 1) with charge =~ 1 - all +1 charge ions


Brackets were used for the last search to ensure that we look for single-atom molecules first, and then, from these, find those that have a charge of +1.

Searching by Property

You can search for views based on any of the properties of those views. There are several routes to do this;

  • X with property name - return all views that have a property called name, and if so, the value of this property is not False or 0, 0.0, or the string false in any case. For example, molecules with property is_perturbable would return all molecules that have the is_perturbable property and that it wasn’t false. atoms with property atomtype would return all atoms that have an atomtype property, t and if so, that it wasn’t false.

  • X with property name compare value - return all views that have a property called name, and where the value of the property compares truthfully using the comparison operator compare against the value value. For example, residues with property is_default == False would return all residues that have an is_default property, and this property is equal to False. Searching for atoms with property radius > 0.5 would return all atoms that have a residue property, and the value of this is greater than 0.5, while atoms with property atomtype == HA would return all atoms with an atomtype property which is equal to HA.


The values in property searches should be in the default units for the property being searched (e.g. radius > 0.5 is in units of Å as this is the default length unit). Remember this if you change the default length unit, i.e. if the default length unit is picometers, then the above search would be radius > 50.

Finding the Nth View that Matches

You can use subscripting to pick out the nth view that matches a particular search. The grammar is X[i] where X is the search, and i is the index of the result you want to match.

  • element C[0] - return the first carbon atom

  • (resname ALA)[-1] - return the last residue called ALA

  • (bonds with element H)[0:5] - return the first five bonds that contain hydrogen.

Searching by Distance

You can search for views based on their distances to either each other, or to fixed points in space. There are a few variants of this search.

The first is X within D of Y. This returns views that match X that are within the specified distance D (in default length units) of views that match Y. Examples include waters within 5 of resname ALA, which finds all water molecules within 5 Å of residues called ALA. Or (element H in water) within 3 of (element O, Cl, F in protein) which finds all hydrogen atoms in water molecules that are within 3 Å of all oxygen, chlorine or fluorine atoms in protein molecules.

The distance criterion used is whether any atoms in the view X is within the specified distance of any atom in the view Y.

You can specify the distance criterion using searches of form X where CRITERION within D of Y. The CRITERION has many possible values;

  • center - the geometric center of the atoms in the two views will be compared, e.g. waters where center within 5 of resname ALA finds all waters whose geometric centers are within 5 Å of the geometric centers of all ALA residues combined.

  • max - the maximum coordinates of the two views will be compared, e.g. atoms where max within 5 of protein finds all atoms that are within 5 Å of the maximum coordinates of all proteins combined.

  • min - the minimum coordinates.

  • A.x, A.y, A.z - compare specifically the x, y or z dimensions only, e.g. center.x compares only the x dimension of the centers of the views, while max.y would compare the y dimension of the maximum, and min.z would be the z dimension of the minimum.

You can compare against fixed points in space by passing in a vector in place of Y. For example, atoms within 10 of (0,0,0) would find all atoms within 10 Å of the origin, while waters within 3 of (5.3, 9.8, -2.1) would find all water molecules within 3 Å of the point (5.3, 9.8, -2.1).


All distance searches use the first space property that can be found in the views to calculate distances. This should ensure that periodic boundaries are accounted for in the search. You can specify the space to use by passing this in via a property map.

Searching by Closest and Furthest

You can search for the closest or furthest N views from a view, or from a fixed point in space, using the closest and furthest keywords. This calculates all of the atom distances between the views in two sets, returning the views that have either the closest or furthest minimum interatomic distance.

The views as returned in distance order, e.g. the closest views will be returned from closest to furthest, while the furthest views will be retuned from furthest to closest.

This means that you know that the first returned view from a closest search is the closest view, while the first returned view from a furthest search is the furthest view.

The general syntax for closest searches is:

  • closest N X to Y - find the closest N views in X to any of the views in Y. For example, closest 50 waters to protein would return the closest 50 water molecules to any protein molecule. closest 10 atoms to resname LIG would return the closest 10 atoms to residues called LIG etc.

  • closest X to Y - find the single closest X to Y. For example, closest residue to water would return the residue that is closest to any water molecule.

  • closest N X to (x, y, z) - find the closest N views in X to the point in space (x, y, z). For example, closest 10 waters to (0,0,0) would return the 10 closest water molecules to the origin. Or, if you want to pass the coordinates via a variable, you could use an f-string, e.g. closest 10 waters to {point:f} would find the 10 water molecules closest to the point in space held in the vector point.

  • closest X to (x, y, z) - find the single closest view in X to the point in space (x, y, z).


Note how we have to format the vector to print as floats in the f-string, e.g. {point:f} would print the vector (1, 2, 3) as (1.000000, 2.000000, 3.000000), while {point:.1f} would print it as (1.0, 2.0, 3.0).

The general syntax for furthest searches is:

  • furthest N X from Y - find the furthers N views in X from any of the atoms in the views in Y. For example, furthest 50 waters from protein would return the 50 water molecules whose minimum interatomic distance from any protein atom is larger than any other water molecule.

  • furthest X from Y - find the single furthest view in X from any of the views in Y. For example, furthest (residue in protein) from (molecule with resname LIG) would return the furthest protein residie from any atom in the molecule with a residue called LIG.

  • furthest N X from (x, y, z) - find the N furthest views from X from the point in space (x, y, z).

  • furthest X from (x, y, z) - find the single furthest view from X from the point in space (x, y, z).

Searching using Smiles or Smarts Strings

You can search for substructure matches in views using either smiles or smarts.

These searches are processed using the sire’s integration with RDKit.

You can search using smiles or smarts by putting smiles or smarts before the search term.

  • smarts [#6] - search for all carbon atoms

  • smarts [#6]!:[#6] - search for carbons bonded to other carbon atoms using an aliphatic bond.

  • smiles CNC(=O)C(C)NC(C)=O - search for molecules that match the smiles string for alanine dipeptide.

Since these searches can match multiple groups, and can have multiple atoms per match, the results of the search are returned as AtomMatch or AtomMatchM objects.

These are derived from the standard atom selector classes, and will contain all atoms that are included in all matches of the smiles or smarts string in the molecule.

You can extract individual matches (and then individual atoms within those matches) using the group() or groups() functions. These return either individual match groups, or all of the matching groups, as individual atom selectors. The order of the atoms in the atom selectors matches the order of the atoms in the smiles or smarts strings. More detail on how to use these match objects is given in the the tutorial.

Searching for Water or Protein Molecules

You can search for protein or water molecules using the protein or water keywords.

  • water - search for all water molecules. These are defined as molecules that contain one oxygen, two hydrogen and any number of null-element (dummy) atoms.

  • protein - search for all protein molecules. These are defined as molecules that contain a minimum number of residues whose names are found in the list of possible protein residue names.

You can get and set the minimum number of protein residues to match using the and functions. The default minimum is 5.

You can get and set the list of protein residue names using the and functions. The names are searched via a case-insensitive search. The default list are the standard names of the biological amino acids, including names commonly used for protonated or deprotonated residues.

Creating Custom Search Tokens

You can create and use your own search tokens! You set new search tokens using, e.g.

>>>"CH-bonds", "bonds from element C to element H")

would create a new search token called CH-bonds that finds all bonds between carbon and hydrogen atoms. You could then use this token just like any other token, e.g.

>>> mols["CH-bonds in protein"]

would return all the carbon-hydrogen bonds in protein molecules.

Token names cannot contain spaces, and must start with a letter (i.e. that can’t start with numbers or symbols). Token names cannot be valid search terms themselves - meaning you can’t use custom tokens to redefine the above tokens or grammar. They also can’t start with any existing search term or token. This means that, once set, you cannot set the token again, or, indeed, set any token that starts with this token. To change a token you first have to delete it using the function, e.g.



This function will silently do nothing if the token doesn’t exist, or if you attempt to delete an built-in token. You cannot delete built-in tokens, e.g. like protein or water.

You can use to delete all custom search tokens.

The function will query whether or not a particular token exists.

The function will return the search term that corresponds to the passed token, e.g.

>>>"CH-bonds", "bonds from element C to element H")
>>> print("CH-bonds"))
bonds from element C to element H

Tokens are expanded when they are used as part of other tokens, e.g.

>>>"p-CH-bonds", "CH-bonds in protein")
>>> print("p-CH-bonds"))
({ CH-bonds => bonds from element C to element H }) in (protein)

This shows that CH-bonds is bonds from element C to element H.

Deleting or changing the token later does not affect any pre-existing tokens that used it, e.g.

>>> print("p-CH-bonds"))
({ CH-bonds => bonds from element C to element H }) in (protein)
>>>"CH-bonds", "bonds to element C")
>>> print("p-CH-bonds"))
({ CH-bonds => bonds from element C to element H }) in (protein)