Source code for sire.maths

__all__ = [

from ..legacy import Maths as _Maths
from ..legacy.Maths import (

from ._vector import Vector
from ._sphere import Sphere

from .. import use_new_api as _use_new_api


    kabasch_fit = _Maths.kabaschFit
    get_alignment = _Maths.getAlignment
except AttributeError:
    kabasch_fit = _Maths.kabasch_fit
    get_alignment = _Maths.get_alignment

kabasch = _Maths.kabasch
align = _Maths.align

[docs] def rotate(point, angle=None, axis=None, matrix=None, quaternion=None, center=None): """ Rotate the passed point by the passed angle and axis, or the passed matrix, or the passed quaternion, optionally centering the rotation about the passed center. point: sire.maths.Vector The vector to be rotated angle: (float or angle) The angle to rotate by - this is interpreted as degrees if you pass in a float. Otherwise use sire.units.degrees or sire.units.radians to specify the angle unit. This is superseded by the matrix and quaternion arguments. axis: sire.maths.Vector (or anything that can convert to a Vector) The vector about which to rotate. If this is not specified, and no other rotation specification is used, then the rotation is about the z axis. This is superseded by the matrix and quaternion arguments. quaternion: sire.maths.Quaternion The Quaternion description of the rotation. Note that, if you pass this, then the angle, axis and matrix arguments will be ignored. matrix: sire.maths.Matrix The 3x3 rotation matrix that describes the rotation. Note that, if you pass this, then the angle and axis arguments will be ignored. This is superseded by the quaternion argument. center: sire.maths.Vector The center of rotation. Defaults to (0,0,0) if not set. Returns: sire.maths.Vector The rotated vector """ q = create_quaternion(angle=angle, axis=axis, matrix=matrix, quaternion=quaternion) if center is None: center = Vector(0, 0, 0) return _Maths.rotate(point, q.to_matrix(), center)
[docs] def create_quaternion(angle=None, axis=None, matrix=None, quaternion=None): """Create a quaternion from the passed angle and axis of the passed rotation matrix. If a rotation matrix is passed then this will ignore the passed angle and axis. If a quaternion is passed then this will ignore the matrix, angle and axis arguments. angle: (float or angle) The angle to rotate by - this is interpreted as degrees if you pass in a float. Otherwise use sire.units.degrees or sire.units.radians to specify the angle unit. This is superseded by the matrix and quaternion arguments. axis: sire.maths.Vector (or anything that can convert to a Vector) The vector about which to rotate. If this is not specified, and no other rotation specification is used, then the rotation is about the z axis. This is superseded by the matrix and quaternion arguments. quaternion: sire.maths.Quaternion The Quaternion description of the rotation. Note that, if you pass this, then the angle, axis and matrix arguments will be ignored. matrix: sire.maths.Matrix The 3x3 rotation matrix that describes the rotation. Note that, if you pass this, then the angle and axis arguments will be ignored. This is superseded by the quaternion argument. Returns: sire.maths.Quaternion The quaternion that represents the rotation """ if quaternion is None: if type(angle) is Quaternion: # the user has passed in a quaternion as the first argument return angle if type(angle) is Matrix and matrix is None: # the user has passed in a rotation matrix as the first argument matrix = angle angle = None axis = None if matrix is None: if angle is None: raise ValueError( "You must specify either the angle, rotation matrix " "or quaternion used to rotate the molecule." ) from ..units import degrees try: valid_angle = angle.has_same_units(degrees) except Exception: try: angle = float(angle) * degrees valid_angle = True except Exception: valid_angle = False if not valid_angle: raise TypeError( f"The passed angle of rotation ({angle}) has the wrong " f"type ({type(angle)}). It should be an angle or a float." ) if axis is None: axis = Vector(0, 0, 1) # construct from the passed angle and vector return Quaternion(angle, Vector(axis)) else: if angle is not None or axis is not None: from ..utils import Console Console.warning( "The angle and/or axis of rotation will be ignored " "because you have passed in a rotation matrix." ) if type(matrix) is not Matrix: raise TypeError( f"The rotation matrix ({matrix}) must be of type " f"sire.maths.Matrix. Type {type(matrix)} is not " "supported." ) return Quaternion(matrix) else: if matrix is not None: from ..utils import Console Console.warning( "The rotation matrix will be ignored " "because you have passed in a quaternion." ) if angle is not None or axis is not None: from ..utils import Console Console.warning( "The angle and/or axis of rotation will be ignored " "because you have passed in a quaternion." ) if type(quaternion) is not Quaternion: raise TypeError( f"The quaternion ({quaternion}) must be of type " f"sire.maths.Quaternion. Type {type(quaternion)} is not " "supported." ) return quaternion
if not hasattr(EnergyTrajectory, "to_pandas"): def _to_pandas( obj, temperature=None, to_alchemlyb: bool = False, energy_unit: str = None ): """ Return the energy trajectory as a pandas DataFrame Parameters ---------- temperature: temperature The temperature of the simulation. If this is not set then the temperature from this table's `ensemble` or `temperature` property will be used. Note that you only need a temperature if you are converting to alchemlyb format. to_alchemlyb: bool This will format the DataFrame in a way that is compatible with alchemlyb. This will allow the DataFrame to be used as part of an alchemlyb free energy calculation. energy_unit: str Whichever of the alchemlyb energy units you want the output DataFrame to use. This is in alchemlyb format, e.g. `kcal/mol`, `kJ/mol`, or `kT`. This is only used if `to_alchemlyb` is set to True. """ import pandas as pd from ..units import picosecond, kcal_per_mol, kJ_per_mol data = {} convert_to_kt = False if to_alchemlyb: time_unit = picosecond time_unit_string = "ps" if energy_unit == "kT": energy_unit = kcal_per_mol energy_unit_string = "kT" convert_to_kt = True elif energy_unit == "kJ/mol": energy_unit = kJ_per_mol energy_unit_string = "kJ/mol" else: energy_unit = kcal_per_mol energy_unit_string = "kcal/mol" if temperature is None: # look for the temperature in the ensemble property if obj.has_property("ensemble"): temperature ="ensemble").temperature() # ok, try the temperature property if temperature is None and obj.has_property("temperature"): temperature ="temperature") if temperature is None: raise ValueError( "You must specify the temperature of the simulation " "when converting to alchemlyb format, or ensure that " "the trajectory has an ensemble or temperature " "property." ) else: time_unit = picosecond.get_default() time_unit_string = time_unit.unit_string() energy_unit = kcal_per_mol.get_default() energy_unit_string = energy_unit.unit_string() data["time"] = obj.times(time_unit) keys = obj.label_keys() keys.sort() if convert_to_kt: from ..units import k_boltz kT = (k_boltz * temperature).to(kcal_per_mol) for key in keys: if to_alchemlyb and key == "lambda": data["fep-lambda"] = obj.labels_as_numbers(key) else: # use float keys if possible try: column_header = float(key) except Exception: column_header = key try: data[column_header] = obj.labels_as_numbers(key) except Exception: data[column_header] = obj.labels(key) keys = obj.keys() keys.sort() if to_alchemlyb: keys.remove("kinetic") keys.remove("potential") for key in keys: # use float keys if possible try: column_header = float(key) except Exception: column_header = key nrgs = obj.energies(key, energy_unit) if convert_to_kt: nrgs = [x / kT for x in nrgs] data[column_header] = nrgs if to_alchemlyb: df = pd.DataFrame(data).set_index(["time", "fep-lambda"]) else: df = pd.DataFrame(data).set_index("time") if temperature is not None: from .. import u from ..units import kelvin df.attrs["temperature"] = u(temperature).to(kelvin) df.attrs["energy_unit"] = energy_unit_string df.attrs["time_unit"] = time_unit_string return df def _to_alchemlyb(obj, temperature=None, energy_unit: str = "kcal/mol"): """ Return the energy trajectory as an alchemlyb-formatted pandas DataFrame Parameters ---------- temperature: temperature The temperature of the simulation. If this is not set then the temperature from this table's `ensemble` or `temperature` property will be used. energy_unit: str Whichever of the alchemlyb energy units you want the output DataFrame to use. This is in alchemlyb format, e.g. `kcal/mol`, `kJ/mol`, or `kT` Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame A pandas DataFrame that is compatible with alchemlyb. """ return obj.to_pandas( temperature=temperature, to_alchemlyb=True, energy_unit=energy_unit ) EnergyTrajectory.to_pandas = _to_pandas EnergyTrajectory.to_alchemlyb = _to_alchemlyb