Perturbation Files (pertfiles)

Perturbation files (or pertfiles) are an older mechanism that was used in somd to create a merged molecule from a passed input molecule. They are a simple text file that describes the perturbation in terms of changing forcefield parameters. You can create a merged molecule from a single molecule plus pertfile using the sire.morph.create_from_pertfile() function.

>>> merged_mol = sr.morph.create_from_pertfile(mol, "neopentane_methane.pert")
>>> print("charge0"))
>>> print("charge1"))


This is an older mechanism that has many limitations due to the inherent limits of the pertfile format. It is provided to aid compatibility with older somd workflows, but is not recommended for new use cases.

Updating internals involving ghost atoms

Sometimes you want to update the internals (bonds, angles, torsions) when one or more of the atoms involved are ghosts in either the reference or perturbed states.

The function sire.morph.zero_ghost_torsions() will automatically add torsion perturbations that zero the force constant of any torsions that involve ghost atoms in that state. This is useful when you want to fade in or out torsion forces as ghost atoms appear or disappear.

>>> mols = sr.morph.zero_ghost_torsions(mols)
>>> print(mols[0].perturbation().to_openmm().changed_torsions())
                  torsion       k0   k1  periodicity0  periodicity1  phase0   phase1
0   C5:5-C2:2-C3:3-H11:11  0.66944  0.0             3             3    -0.0    -0.0
1   C1:1-C2:2-C3:3-H11:11  0.66944  0.0             3             3    -0.0    -0.0
2   C5:5-C2:2-C3:3-H10:10  0.66944  0.0             3             3    -0.0    -0.0
3   C3:3-C2:2-C4:4-H12:12  0.66944  0.0             3             3    -0.0    -0.0
4   C1:1-C2:2-C3:3-H10:10  0.66944  0.0             3             3    -0.0    -0.0
5   C1:1-C2:2-C5:5-H16:16  0.66944  0.0             3             3    -0.0    -0.0
6     C5:5-C2:2-C3:3-H9:9  0.66944  0.0             3             3    -0.0    -0.0
7     C1:1-C2:2-C3:3-H9:9  0.66944  0.0             3             3    -0.0    -0.0
8     C3:3-C2:2-C1:1-H7:7  0.66944  0.0             3             3    -0.0    -0.0
9     C3:3-C2:2-C1:1-H8:8  0.66944  0.0             3             3    -0.0    -0.0
10    C3:3-C2:2-C1:1-H6:6  0.66944  0.0             3             3    -0.0    -0.0
11  C1:1-C2:2-C5:5-H15:15  0.66944  0.0             3             3    -0.0    -0.0
12  C4:4-C2:2-C5:5-H17:17  0.66944  0.0             3             3    -0.0    -0.0
13  C4:4-C2:2-C3:3-H11:11  0.66944  0.0             3             3    -0.0    -0.0
14  C4:4-C2:2-C3:3-H10:10  0.66944  0.0             3             3    -0.0    -0.0
15  C4:4-C2:2-C5:5-H16:16  0.66944  0.0             3             3    -0.0    -0.0
16    C4:4-C2:2-C3:3-H9:9  0.66944  0.0             3             3    -0.0    -0.0
17  C5:5-C2:2-C4:4-H14:14  0.66944  0.0             3             3    -0.0    -0.0
18  C5:5-C2:2-C4:4-H13:13  0.66944  0.0             3             3    -0.0    -0.0
19  C1:1-C2:2-C4:4-H14:14  0.66944  0.0             3             3    -0.0    -0.0
20  C4:4-C2:2-C5:5-H15:15  0.66944  0.0             3             3    -0.0    -0.0
21  C3:3-C2:2-C5:5-H17:17  0.66944  0.0             3             3    -0.0    -0.0
22  C1:1-C2:2-C4:4-H13:13  0.66944  0.0             3             3    -0.0    -0.0
23  C5:5-C2:2-C4:4-H12:12  0.66944  0.0             3             3    -0.0    -0.0
24  C1:1-C2:2-C4:4-H12:12  0.66944  0.0             3             3    -0.0    -0.0
25  C3:3-C2:2-C5:5-H16:16  0.66944  0.0             3             3    -0.0    -0.0
26    C5:5-C2:2-C1:1-H7:7  0.66944  0.0             3             3    -0.0    -0.0
27    C5:5-C2:2-C1:1-H8:8  0.66944  0.0             3             3    -0.0    -0.0
28    C5:5-C2:2-C1:1-H6:6  0.66944  0.0             3             3    -0.0    -0.0
29  C3:3-C2:2-C5:5-H15:15  0.66944  0.0             3             3    -0.0    -0.0
30  C3:3-C2:2-C4:4-H14:14  0.66944  0.0             3             3    -0.0    -0.0
31  C3:3-C2:2-C4:4-H13:13  0.66944  0.0             3             3    -0.0    -0.0
32    C4:4-C2:2-C1:1-H7:7  0.66944  0.0             3             3    -0.0    -0.0
33    C4:4-C2:2-C1:1-H8:8  0.66944  0.0             3             3    -0.0    -0.0
34    C4:4-C2:2-C1:1-H6:6  0.66944  0.0             3             3    -0.0    -0.0
35  C1:1-C2:2-C5:5-H17:17  0.66944  0.0             3             3    -0.0    -0.0

Similarly, the sire.morph.shrink_ghost_atoms() function will automatically adjust the bond lengths of bonds that involve ghost atoms, so that they will either be pulled into, or emerge from their connected atoms.

>>> mols = sr.morph.shrink_ghost_atoms(mols)
>>> print(mols[0].perturbation().to_openmm(constraint="bonds").changed_constraints())
       atompair  length0  length1
0     C2:2-C3:3  0.15375  0.06000
1   C5:5-H17:17  0.10969  0.06000
2     C2:2-C4:4  0.15375  0.10969
3     C1:1-C2:2  0.15375  0.06000
4     C1:1-H7:7  0.10969  0.06000
5     C2:2-C5:5  0.15375  0.06000
6     C1:1-H8:8  0.10969  0.06000
7     C1:1-H6:6  0.10969  0.06000
8   C3:3-H11:11  0.10969  0.06000
9   C5:5-H15:15  0.10969  0.06000
10    C3:3-H9:9  0.10969  0.06000
11  C5:5-H16:16  0.10969  0.06000
12  C3:3-H10:10  0.10969  0.06000


You can control the length of the ghost bond using the length argument, e.g. shrink_ghost_atoms(mols, length="0.2A") would shrink the bond to 0.2 Å. The default length is 0.6 Å.


In general, you don’t often need to pull ghost atoms into or out from their connected atoms. This is because a soft-core potential is used to soften interactions involving ghost atoms, such that they fade away smoothly as they disappear.