Loading and saving trajectories

sire also supports loading and saving many popular trajectory formats.

Simply pass a trajectory file into the list of files and it will be loaded.

>>> import sire as sr
>>> mols = sr.load(sr.expand(sr.tutorial_url, "ala.top", "ala.traj"))

You can find the number of frames that have been loaded using the num_frames() function.

>>> print(mols.num_frames())

You can load a particular frame using the load_frame() function.

>>> print(mols.time())
0.2 ps
>>> mols.load_frame(100)
>>> print(mols.time())
20.2 ps


The time() function returns the simulation time of a particular frame.

Joining multiple trajectories together

You can join load multiple trajectory files together and join them into a single trajectory simply by passing them as additional files in sire.load(), e.g.

>>> mols = sr.load(sr.expand(sr.tutorial_url, "ala.top", "ala.traj", "ala.traj"))
>>> print(mols.num_frames())

has loaded ala.traj twice, joining it together into a single 1000 frame trajectory.


You can load as many trajectory files as you want. They can be a mixture of file formats, e.g. DCD, RST, TRR etc. The trajectory frames will be loaded in order, i.e. the frames from the second trajectory file in the list will be loaded after the frames in the first file.


The trajectory frames are streamed from the files. They are not read in one go, as typically trajectories are larger than available memory. Instead, the trajectory files are opened, with frames read dynamically as they are accessed. This means that you CANNOT change the trajectory files while they are open (e.g. renaming them, moving them, or adding or deleting data). Doing so will result in undefined behaviour.

Saving trajectories

You can save trajectories using sire.save(). To do this, you must pass in the sire.mol.TrajectoryIterator that results from calling the trajectory() function on a molecule (or set of molecules).

For example,

>>> f = sr.save(mols.trajectory(), "output", format=["RST"])
>>> print(f)

saves the trajectory in Amber RST format, returning the names of the files that were written.

You can save trajectories in any file supported by sire, and can even save to multiple trajectory formats at the same time, e.g.

>>> f = sr.save(mols.trajectory(), "output", format=["RST", "DCD", "TRR"])
>>> print(f)
["output.rst", "output.dcd", "output.trr"]

saves the trajectory in Amber RST, DCD and Gromacs TRR formats.

You can save only selected frames from the trajectory by slicing the sire.mol.TrajectoryIterator, e.g.

>>> f = sr.save(mols.trajectory()[0:10], "output", format=["XTC"])
>>> print(f)

saves the first ten frames of the trajectory to a Gromacs XTC format file called output.xtc.


>>> f = sr.save(mols.trajectory()[::100], "output", format=["RST"])
>>> print(f)

saves every 100 frames from the trajectory to an Amber RST format file called output.rst.

You can even save trajectory from only certain molecules from the system.

>>> f = sr.save(mols[0].trajectory(), "output", format=["PRM", "DCD"])
>>> mol = sr.load(f)
>>> print(mol, mol.num_frames())

has saved the trajectory of only the first molecule to a DCD file called output.dcd, and also saved an Amber PRM file for that first molecule to output.prm. These files were immediately reloaded, showing you that they contain just the first molecule, with 1000 frames of trajectory.

Trajectories as frames

sire also supports loading and saving trajectories as a sequence of individual files. For example, here we will save the trajectory of the first molecule as a sequence of PDB files.

>>> f = sr.save(mols[0].trajectory(), "output", format=["PRM", "PDB"])
>>> print(f)
["output.prm", "output.pdb"]

In this case, output.pdb is a directory containing 1000 PDB files, one for each trajectory frame.

>>> import os
>>> os.listdir("output.pdb")

We can load these files as a trajectory simply by passing in the directory name, e.g.

>>> mol = sr.load("output.prm", "output.pdb")
>>> print(mol, mol.num_frames())
System( name=output num_molecules=1 num_residues=3 num_atoms=22 ) 1000


The individual frame files are named using the frame number plus the time in picoseconds for that frame.

sire has extensive support for trajectories. To learn more, check out the detailed guide.