Annihilation and Decoupling

So far, we have discussed how to construct merge molecules that represent perturbations from one molecule to another. These are useful for relative free energy calculations.

Absolute free energy calculations require perturbations that decouple or annihilate molecules. The sire.morph.decouple() and sire.morph.annihilate() create merged molecules that represent these perturbations.


Decoupling is the process of turning off the interactions between the molecule of interest, and all other molecules in the system.

For example, let’s load up a system comprising benzene in a box of water (with some ions).

>>> import sire as sr
>>> mols = sr.load_test_files("benzene.prm7", "benzene.rst")
>>> benzene = mols[0]
>>> print(benzene)
Molecule( BEN:2   num_atoms=12 num_residues=1 )

We can create a merged molecule that represents the decoupling of the benzene via the sire.morph.decouple() function.

>>> benzene = sr.morph.decouple(benzene, as_new_molecule=False)
>>> print(benzene)
Molecule( BEN:2   num_atoms=12 num_residues=1 )


We pass in as_new_molecule=False so that the resulting merged molecule keeps the same molecule number as the original benzene. If we had passed in as_new_molecule=True (which is the default) then the returned molecule would be a “new” molecule, with its own, unique molecule number.

The decoupled benzene molecule is a merged molecule where all of the atoms are converted to ghost atoms.

>>> p = benzene.perturbation().to_openmm()
>>> print(p.changed_atoms())
     atom  charge0  charge1    sigma0    sigma1  epsilon0  epsilon1  alpha0  alpha1  kappa0  kappa1
0     C:1    -0.13      0.0  0.348065  0.348065  0.363503       0.0     0.0     1.0     1.0     1.0
1    C2:2    -0.13      0.0  0.348065  0.348065  0.363503       0.0     0.0     1.0     1.0     1.0
2    C3:3    -0.13      0.0  0.348065  0.348065  0.363503       0.0     0.0     1.0     1.0     1.0
3    C4:4    -0.13      0.0  0.348065  0.348065  0.363503       0.0     0.0     1.0     1.0     1.0
4    C5:5    -0.13      0.0  0.348065  0.348065  0.363503       0.0     0.0     1.0     1.0     1.0
5    C6:6    -0.13      0.0  0.348065  0.348065  0.363503       0.0     0.0     1.0     1.0     1.0
6    H1:7     0.13      0.0  0.257258  0.257258  0.065318       0.0     0.0     1.0     1.0     1.0
7    H2:8     0.13      0.0  0.257258  0.257258  0.065318       0.0     0.0     1.0     1.0     1.0
8    H3:9     0.13      0.0  0.257258  0.257258  0.065318       0.0     0.0     1.0     1.0     1.0
9   H4:10     0.13      0.0  0.257258  0.257258  0.065318       0.0     0.0     1.0     1.0     1.0
10  H5:11     0.13      0.0  0.257258  0.257258  0.065318       0.0     0.0     1.0     1.0     1.0
11  H6:12     0.13      0.0  0.257258  0.257258  0.065318       0.0     0.0     1.0     1.0     1.0


Note how the atoms are converted to ghosts by setting the charge and epsilon parameters to zero, and setting the alpha value to 1.0 in the end state, and the kappa values to 1.0 in both end states.

All of the internals (bonds, angles, torsions) are kept the same at both end states.

>>> print(p.changed_bonds())
Empty DataFrame
Columns: [bond, length0, length1, k0, k1]
Index: []
>>> print(p.changed_angles())
Empty DataFrame
Columns: [angle, size0, size1, k0, k1
Index: []
>>> print(p.changed_torsions())
Empty DataFrame
Columns: [torsion, k0, k1, periodicity0, periodicity1, phase0, phase1]
Index: []

To decouple the benzene molecule correctly, a custom sire.cas.LambdaSchedule is needed. This schedule turns off intermolecular interactions involving the benzene, while keeping the intramolecular interactions the same.

The sire.morph.decouple() function creates a suitable schedule by default, and attaches it to the merged molecule via its schedule property.

>>> schedule ="schedule")
>>> print(schedule)
  decouple: (-λ + 1) * initial + λ * final
    ghost-14::*: initial
    ghost-14::kappa: -λ + 1
    ghost/ghost::*: initial
    ghost/ghost::kappa: -λ + 1

This schedule has a single stage called decouple. The default is that all levers use the standard morphing equation to linearly interpolate from the initial to final states. This has the effect of turning off all charge and LJ interactions involving benzene.

However, we want to preserve the intramolecular charge and LJ interactions of benzene. Since all atoms are ghost atoms, these are all evaluated in the ghost/ghost and ghost-14 forces. We therefore set all levers in the ghost/ghost and ghost-14 forces to use the parameters in the initial state (i.e. the full charges and epsilon LJ parameters for benzene).

But, because the ghost/ghost force includes a correction to subtract a double-counted electrostatic interaction from the NonbondedForce, we also need to have a lever that scales kappa with 1-λ. In this way, the kappa parameter will ensure that the correction is applied at λ=0, when the electrostatic interactions of benzene are evaluated in both the NonbondedForce and the ghost/ghost and ghost-14 forces, while it will scale kappa to 0 at λ=1, when the electrostatic interactions of benzene are only evaluated in the ghost/ghost and ghost-14 forces.

We can view exactly how a schedule will perturb the real parameters of a merged molecule using the get_lever_values() function.

>>> df = p.get_lever_values(schedule=schedule)
>>> print(df)
      clj-charge-1  clj-charge-7  clj-epsilon-1  clj-epsilon-7  clj-alpha-1  ghost/ghost-kappa-1
0.00       -0.1300        0.1300       0.363503       0.065318         0.00                 1.00
0.01       -0.1287        0.1287       0.359868       0.064665         0.01                 0.99
0.02       -0.1274        0.1274       0.356233       0.064012         0.02                 0.98
0.03       -0.1261        0.1261       0.352598       0.063358         0.03                 0.97
0.04       -0.1248        0.1248       0.348963       0.062705         0.04                 0.96
...            ...           ...            ...            ...          ...                  ...
0.96       -0.0052        0.0052       0.014540       0.002613         0.96                 0.04
0.97       -0.0039        0.0039       0.010905       0.001960         0.97                 0.03
0.98       -0.0026        0.0026       0.007270       0.001306         0.98                 0.02
0.99       -0.0013        0.0013       0.003635       0.000653         0.99                 0.01
1.00        0.0000        0.0000       0.000000       0.000000         1.00                 0.00
[101 rows x 6 columns]
>>> ax = df.plot()
Graph of the effect of all levers on the decoupled molecule.

Running a decoupling simulation

We can run a decoupling simulation in the same way as any other free energy simulation.

First, we will update the system to use the decoupled benzene molecule.

>>> mols.update(benzene)

This works because we used as_new_molecule=False when creating the merged molecule, so it kept its original molecule number.

Next, we will create a simulation object.

>>> d = mols.dynamics(timestep="2fs", temperature="25oC",
...                   schedule=schedule, lambda_value=1.0)
>>>"100ps", lambda_windows=[0.0, 0.5, 1.0])
>>> print(d.energy_trajectory())
EnergyTrajectory( size=4
time    lambda  0.0             0.5             1.0             kinetic potential
25      1.0     2.49529e+06     -8686.04        -8895.63        1583.95 -8895.63
50      1.0     1.54343e+06     -8750.01        -8914.34        1527.78 -8914.34
75      1.0     2.20708e+08     -8465.13        -8872.06        1624.18 -8872.06
100     1.0     1.02181e+11     -8534.06        -8949.38        1537.6  -8949.38


We expect the energies at λ=0 to be high in this case, as the simulation was run at λ=1, where the benzene is not interacting with the the rest of the system, and thus free to overlap with other atoms.


Annihilation is the process of turning off all interactions involving all of the atoms of the molecule being annihilated. Note that this will also turn off all intramolecular interactions, so care must be taken to use restraints to prevent the simulation exploding.

You can create an annihilated molecule using the sire.morph.annihilate().

>>> benzene = sr.morph.annihilate(benzene, as_new_molecule=False)
>>> print(benzene)
Molecule( BEN:2   num_atoms=12 num_residues=1 )


As before, we pass in as_new_molecule=False so that the resulting merged molecule keeps the same molecule number as the original benzene.

The annihilated benzene molecule is a merged molecule where all of the atoms are converted to ghost atoms, and all of the intramolecular interactions are turned off.

>>> p = benzene.perturbation().to_openmm()
>>> print(p.changed_atoms())
     atom  charge0  charge1    sigma0    sigma1  epsilon0  epsilon1  alpha0  alpha1  kappa0  kappa1
0     C:1    -0.13      0.0  0.348065  0.348065  0.363503       0.0     0.0     1.0     1.0     1.0
1    C2:2    -0.13      0.0  0.348065  0.348065  0.363503       0.0     0.0     1.0     1.0     1.0
2    C3:3    -0.13      0.0  0.348065  0.348065  0.363503       0.0     0.0     1.0     1.0     1.0
3    C4:4    -0.13      0.0  0.348065  0.348065  0.363503       0.0     0.0     1.0     1.0     1.0
4    C5:5    -0.13      0.0  0.348065  0.348065  0.363503       0.0     0.0     1.0     1.0     1.0
5    C6:6    -0.13      0.0  0.348065  0.348065  0.363503       0.0     0.0     1.0     1.0     1.0
6    H1:7     0.13      0.0  0.257258  0.257258  0.065318       0.0     0.0     1.0     1.0     1.0
7    H2:8     0.13      0.0  0.257258  0.257258  0.065318       0.0     0.0     1.0     1.0     1.0
8    H3:9     0.13      0.0  0.257258  0.257258  0.065318       0.0     0.0     1.0     1.0     1.0
9   H4:10     0.13      0.0  0.257258  0.257258  0.065318       0.0     0.0     1.0     1.0     1.0
10  H5:11     0.13      0.0  0.257258  0.257258  0.065318       0.0     0.0     1.0     1.0     1.0
11  H6:12     0.13      0.0  0.257258  0.257258  0.065318       0.0     0.0     1.0     1.0     1.0
>>> print(p.changed_bonds())
          bond   length0   length1             k0   k1
0    C2:2-C3:3  0.138719  0.138719  301905.092179  0.0
1     C:1-C2:2  0.138719  0.138719  301905.092179  0.0
2   C6:6-H6:12  0.108536  0.108536  332422.631707  0.0
3   C5:5-H5:11  0.108536  0.108536  332422.631707  0.0
4   C4:4-H4:10  0.108536  0.108536  332422.631707  0.0
5    C3:3-H3:9  0.108536  0.108536  332422.631707  0.0
6    C5:5-C6:6  0.138719  0.138719  301905.092179  0.0
7    C2:2-H2:8  0.108536  0.108536  332422.631707  0.0
8    C4:4-C5:5  0.138719  0.138719  301905.092179  0.0
9     C:1-H1:7  0.108536  0.108536  332422.631707  0.0
10    C:1-C6:6  0.138719  0.138719  301905.092179  0.0
11   C3:3-C4:4  0.138719  0.138719  301905.092179  0.0

To annihilate the benzene molecule correctly, a custom sire.cas.LambdaSchedule is needed.

The sire.morph.annihilate() function creates a suitable schedule by default, and attaches it to the merged molecule via its schedule property.

>>> schedule ="schedule")
>>> print(schedule)
  annihilate: initial * (-λ + 1) + final * λ

As before, we can view exactly how a schedule will perturb the real parameters of a merged molecule using the get_lever_values() function.

>>> df = p.get_lever_values(schedule=schedule)
>>> print(df)
      clj-charge-1  clj-charge-7  clj-epsilon-1  ...  angle-angle_k-5  torsion-torsion_k-1  torsion-torsion_k-3
λ                                                ...
0.00       -0.1300        0.1300       0.363503  ...       484.492886             1.534133            15.321516
0.01       -0.1287        0.1287       0.359868  ...       479.647957             1.518792            15.168300
0.02       -0.1274        0.1274       0.356233  ...       474.803028             1.503451            15.015085
0.03       -0.1261        0.1261       0.352598  ...       469.958099             1.488109            14.861870
0.04       -0.1248        0.1248       0.348963  ...       465.113170             1.472768            14.708655
...            ...           ...            ...  ...              ...                  ...                  ...
0.96       -0.0052        0.0052       0.014540  ...        19.379715             0.061365             0.612861
0.97       -0.0039        0.0039       0.010905  ...        14.534787             0.046024             0.459645
0.98       -0.0026        0.0026       0.007270  ...         9.689858             0.030683             0.306430
0.99       -0.0013        0.0013       0.003635  ...         4.844929             0.015341             0.153215
1.00        0.0000        0.0000       0.000000  ...         0.000000             0.000000             0.000000
[101 rows x 14 columns]

The key difference between the annihilation schedule and the decoupling schedule is that the annihilation schedule linearly scales down all interactions involving the atoms of the molecule being annihilated, rather than only turning off the intermolecular interactions.

Running an annihilation simulation

We can run an annihilation simulation in the same way as any other free energy simulation.

First, we will update the system to use the annihilated benzene molecule.

>>> mols.update(benzene)

This works because we used as_new_molecule=False when creating the merged molecule, so it kept its original molecule number.

Next, we will create a simulation object.

>>> d = mols.dynamics(timestep="2fs", temperature="25oC",
...                   schedule=schedule, lambda_value=1.0)
>>>"100ps", lambda_windows=[0.0, 0.5, 1.0])
>>> print(d.energy_trajectory())
EnergyTrajectory( size=4
time    lambda  0.0     0.5     1.0     kinetic potential
25      1.0     2.20919e+08     3.70208e+06     -8898.02        1561.3  -8898.02
50      1.0     2.73685e+07     1.26643e+07     -8863.57        1591.31 -8863.57
75      1.0     2.49653e+07     1.24605e+07     -8894.69        1611.1  -8894.69
100     1.0     1.20317e+09     1.90568e+07     -8908.07        1516.37 -8908.07


We expect the energies at all values except λ=1 to be very high in this case, as the simulation was run at λ=1, where the atoms of the benzene are not interacting with the the rest of the system, and thus free to overlap with other atoms, and also be too far from each other to give sensible energies for their intramolecular interactions.

Ideally, in the above simulation you should add positional restraints to all atoms in benzene which gradually switch on to hold the atoms in position as their interactions are annihilated. The end state would represent non-interacting particles in harmonic wells, for which an analytical solution exists to calculate the free energy of annihilation.

While this is not covered in this tutorial, future versions of sire will include tools to help with this.