
sire has a full units system, meaning that every value can be properly associated with its accompanying physical unit.

The easiest way to create a value with a unit is to use the sire.u() function.

>>> import sire as sr
>>> print(sr.u("5 nanometers"))
50 Å
>>> print(sr.u("6.5 kcal mol-1"))
6.5 kcal mol-1
>>> print(sr.u("35°"))

There is a robust grammar and parser that is used to convert pretty much all string representations of units. This can by via the long form of the unit

>>> print(sr.u("10 kilocalories per mole"))
10 kcal mol-1

or the short form

>>> print(sr.u("10 kcal.mol-1"))
10 kcal mol-1

It recognises all of the SI prefixes, both in long and short form

>>> print(sr.u("10 microseconds"))
1e+07 ps
>>> print(sr.u("10µs"))
1e+07 ps

and has a specially-built grammar to combine units together

>>> print(sr.u("300 nm ps-2"))
3000 Å ps-2


Most functions that take a unit as an argument will automatically convert strings to units using sire.u(). This means that you often won’t need to call sire.u() explicitly.

Unit vectors

In addition to scalars, sire also supports unit vectors for lengths, velocities and forces. You can construct these using the sire.v() function. This accepts numbers, strings, lists, dictionaries or anything that can be converted via sire.u().

>>> print(sr.v(1, 2, 3))
( 1 Å, 2 Å, 3 Å )
>>> print(sr.v("1 A", "2 A", "3 A"))
( 1 Å, 2 Å, 3 Å )
>>> print(sr.v(3, 4, 5, units="A"))
( 3 Å, 4 Å, 5 Å )
>>> print(sr.v(x="1 A ps-1", y="2 A ps-1", z="3 A ps-1"))
( 1 Å ps-1, 2 Å ps-1, 3 Å ps-1 )
>>> print(sr.v([3,4,5], units="A ps-1"))
( 3 Å ps-1, 4 Å ps-1, 5 Å ps-1 )

Converting to other units

By default, the values are printed in internal units (see later). You can convert them to a value of any compatible units using the to() function e.g.

>>> print(sr.u("100m").to("kilometer"))
>>> print(sr.u("25 celsius").to("K"))
>>> print(sr.u("15 kcal.mol-1").to("J mol-1"))

Supported units

sire supports a large number of units. You can use both the short and long name of the unit, and can use the singular or plural form for the long name. For example;

>>> print(sr.u("10 kcal"))
10 kcal
>>> print(sr.u("10 kilocalorie"))
10 kcal
>>> print(sr.u("10 kilocalories"))
10 kcal

Note that sire uses A as the short form for angstrom. It is not interpreted as ampere (you need to use the full name for ampere).

This is because sire is focussed on molecular simulation, where A is commonly used to mean angstrom. You can also use Å.

Here is the full set of supported units.

Long units

calorie, joule, hartree, mole, dozen, radian, degree, angstrom, meter, bohr, inch inches, foot, feet, yard, mile, second, minute, hour, day, week, fortnight, akma, dalton, gram, tonne, newton, ounce, pound, stone, hundredweight, pascal, bar, atm, atmosphere, psi, mmHg, kelvin, celsius, fahrenheit, amp, ampere, volt, farad, watt, electron, e_charge, mod_electron, faraday, coulomb, kcal_per_mol, kJ_per_mol

Short units

cal, J, Ha, mol, rad, °, Å, A, m, ", ', in, ft, mph, kph, s, g, N, Pa, K, °K, °C, °F, V, F, W, e, |e|, C


Parsing is case-sensitive. So 1 joule would parse correctly, while 1 Joule would raise an error.

SI prefixes

All of the SI prefixes from quecto to quetta are supported, in both long and short forms.

>>> print(sr.u("5 picometers"))
0.05 Å
>>> print(sr.u("5 pm"))
0.05 Å
>>> print(sr.u("10 megajoules"))
2390.06 kcal
>>> print(sr.u("10 MJ"))
2390.06 kcal

This includes using u, µ or μ as the short version of micro.

>>> print(sr.u("5 μs"))
5e+06 ps

Raising units to a power

You can raise a unit to a power using the following symbols.

  • the number e.g. m 3, m3, mol-1

  • ** e.g. m**3, m ** 3, mol**-1

  • ^ e.g. m^3, m ^ 3, mol^-1

Powers can be positive or negative, but must always be integers. sire doesn’t support raising units to fractional powers.

Combining units

The following symbols can be used to multiply units together.

  • a space e.g. m s-1, kcal mol-1

  • * e.g. m*s-1, m * s-1, kcal*mol-1, kcal * mol-1

  • . e.g. m.s-1, kcal.mol-1

The following symbols can be used to divide units.

  • / e.g. m/s, m / s, kcal/mol, kcal / mol

  • per e.g. m per s, kcal per mol

Units are combined from right to left, meaning that kcal / mol / A**2 is evaluated as kcal / (mol / A**2).

You can use round brackets to control the order of evaluation, e.g. (kcal / mol) / A**2 would give the molar energy per square angstrom.


Note that per can only be used to combine individual units, e.g. kcal per mol, not kcal per (mol / A**2). Also note that per is evaluated first, and only between the two units it is placed between. So kcal per mol / A**2 will be evaluated as (kcal per mol) / A**2.

Good rules of thumb are to use per when you want to create a derived unit such as miles per hour or kcal per mol, and to use / only with round brackets to make sure that you get the order of evaluation that you intend. Alternatively, do not use division at all, but instead raise units to negative powers, e.g. miles hour-1 or kcal.mol-1.

Changing default units

sire prints values out using default output units. You can change these using the functions in sire.units, e.g. sire.units.set_si_units() will change the output to SI units, while sire.units.set_internal_units() will change the output to internal (AKMA-style) units.

Changing the output units just changes how they are printed. It doens’t change their internal representation. For more info, see the section below on Under the hood - GeneralUnit.

You can set your own default units by calling sire.units.set_default_unit() or sire.units.set_default_units(). For example

>>> sr.units.set_default_unit("kJ mol-1")

will set the default molar energy unit to kJ mol-1, while

>>> sr.units.set_default_units(["m", "J", "kg", "C", "rad", "K", "mol"])

will set the default units for the seven physical dimensions to the passed values.


The strings passed must be parseable into a unit. This is then set as the default for that unit, with the string used to represent that unit on output.


Units that don’t have a default are constructed from the defaults of the seven physical dimensions.

Indeed, sire.units.set_si_units() is really just calling sire.units.set_default_units() with a list of units that are commonly set as part of the SI system (including derived units such as J for energy, W for power, N for force, etc.)

You can clear the set of default units by calling sire.units.clear_default_units().

Conversion from pint

The sire.u() function can auto-convert from other units systems. For example, you can pass in units created via pint.

>>> import pint
>>> ureg = pint.UnitRegistry()
>>> distance = 24.0 * ureg.meter
>>> print(sr.u(distance))
2.4e+11 Å
>>> print(sr.u(distance).to(sr.u(ureg.centimeter)))

Conversion from BioSimSpace

The sire.u() function can auto-convert from BioSimSpace too!

>>> import BioSimSpace as BSS
>>> import sire as sr
>>> distance = 3.5 * BSS.Units.Length.angstrom
>>> print(sr.u(distance))
3.5 Å

Conversion from other packages

Indeed, sire.u() can autoc-convert from any units package that can convert to a standard units string. By default, if sire.u() does not recognise the type, then it converts the unit to a string, and then tries to parse it using the in-built grammar. This should work for most cases, especially if the other package can print units in a standard, human-readable way.

Under the hood - GeneralUnit

sire.u() works by parsing the string using a grammar that is built on top of the sire.units.GeneralUnit class. This class holds the unit as a combination of a value and the physical dimension of the unit.

For example, 5 m is 5 times a physical length (L). There are seven physical dimensions:

  1. Mass (M)

  2. Length (L)

  3. Time (T)

  4. Charge (C)

  5. temperature (t)

  6. Quantity (Q)

  7. Angle (A)

Every physical unit is a combination of these. For example, kcal is energy, which is M2 L2 S-2 (remember, E = mc2). Similarly, kcal mol-1 is energy / Quantity, so M2 L2 S-2 Q-1.

The value of each physical dimension of each unit can be queried via the functions of GeneralUnit, e.g. MASS() returns the power of the M dimension.

Internally, each dimension has a base unit which is used for scaling all values along that dimension. The base units represent 1.0 for that dimension. sire has base units chosen that lead to the highest precision and best performance for the dimensional scale on which it operates (namely the atomic scale). It uses the AKMA system, which is very common for molecular simulation codes.

  1. Mass : dalton (chosen so 1 g mol-1 equals 1.0)

  2. Length : angstrom

  3. Time : akma (chosen so that a time of 1.0 is compatible with the other units with no need for any scaling factors. It is approximately 20.455 ps)

  4. Charge : absolute electron charge (chosen so a proton has charge 1.0 and an electron has charge -1.0)

  5. temperature : kelvin

  6. Quantity : 1

  7. Angle : radian

A value of 5 meters is thus stored internally as 5e10 * Length, while 100 ps is stored internally as 2045.48 Time. You can get the internal value of any unit by calling the value() function, e.g.

>>> print(sr.u("100 ps").value())

The choice of internal base units is almost invisible though, as sire performs conversion from and to default output units whenever a value is created or printed. The default output unit for time is picoseconds, so 100 ps when printed, will be converted from 2045.48 Time to 100 ps on output.

>>> print(sr.u("100 ps"))
100 ps

You can control the default output units for different functions using the functions in sire.units. For example, calling sire.units.set_si_units() will change the default output units to SI values.

>>> print(sr.u("10 kJ mol-1"))
2.39006 kcal mol-1
>>> sr.units.set_si_units()
>>> print(sr.u("10 kJ mol-1"))
10 kJ mol-1


Changing the output units does not change how the units are stored in sire. It just changes the scaling factors used to convert the units to/from input and output.

You can restore the default units using sire.units.set_internal_units()

>>> sr.units.set_internal_units()
>>> print(sr.u("10 kJ mol-1"))
2.39006 kcal mol-1

You can also set individual units, e.g. sire.units.set_mass_unit(), sire.units.set_energy_unit() etc.

Under the hood - Python to C++

In the Python layer, sire stores the value in a GeneralUnit object. This is a wrapper around the C++ class of the same name. This C++ class is used as a temporary intermediary to convert to templated PhysUnit<M,L,T,C,t,Q,A> objects. These are template metaobjects, which store the physical dimension as parameters held in the type of the C++ object (the M,L,T,C,t,Q,A parameters to the template). The object itself is just a standard double, which holds the magnitude for the unit. This means that a vector of units is just a vector of doubles. All of the unit checking and unit code is handled via template metafunctions which are evaluated at compile time. This means that unit types do not take up any more space or any more compute time than plain double precision numbers.

These templated PhysUnit<M,L,T,C,t,Q,A> types are automatically created from the C++ GeneralUnit class on function calls, and are automatically converted back to a C++ GeneralUnit class if a unit is returned (with this being wrapped up and exposed via the GeneralUnit Python wrapper).

In addition, the C++ Vector class, which represents a 3D point in space, is automatically converted to hold Length types when it is queried from the Python layer. Internally, it just holds three double precision numbers. These are automatically converted to (or converted from) Length types when queried from C++ or Python. This minimises memory usage and maximises compute speed.