Source code for sire.morph._pertfile

__all__ = ["create_from_pertfile"]

[docs] def create_from_pertfile(mol, pertfile, map=None): """ Create a merged molecule from the passed molecule and pertfile. This will create and return a merged molecule with an initial and reference state that follows the instructions in the pertfile. Parameters ---------- mol : sire.mol.Molecule The molecule to be merged pertfile : str The path to the pertfile Returns ------- sire.mol.Molecule The merged molecule """ from ..legacy.IO import PerturbationsLibrary from ..base import create_map from ..mol import Element map = create_map(map) # we operate on the whole molecule mol = mol.molecule() # find the name of the molecule in the pertfile... molname = None for line in open(pertfile).readlines(): if line.startswith("molecule"): try: molname = line.split()[1] break except IndexError: pass if molname is None: raise ValueError(f"Could not find molecule name in pertfile: {pertfile}") perturbations = PerturbationsLibrary(pertfile) # get the template for the first molecule in this file # (there only ever seems to be a single template per file) template = perturbations.get_template(molname) # The pert file identifies using atom names - create a map to # identify atoms by index name_to_idx = {} for atom in mol.atoms(): name_to_idx[] = atom.index().value() # update all of the atoms from the data in the pertfile c = mol.cursor() chg_prop = map["charge"].source() lj_prop = map["LJ"].source() typ_prop = map["ambertype"].source() elem_prop = map["element"].source() c["charge0"] = c[chg_prop] c["charge1"] = c[chg_prop] c["LJ0"] = c[lj_prop] c["LJ1"] = c[lj_prop] c["ambertype0"] = c[typ_prop] c["ambertype1"] = c[typ_prop] c["element0"] = c[elem_prop] c["element1"] = c[elem_prop] for atom in c.atoms(): atomname = try: q0 = template.get_init_charge(atomname) q1 = template.get_final_charge(atomname) lj0 = template.get_init_lj(atomname) lj1 = template.get_final_lj(atomname) typ0 = template.get_init_type(atomname) typ1 = template.get_final_type(atomname) except Exception as e: continue atom["charge0"] = q0 atom["charge1"] = q1 atom["LJ0"] = lj0 atom["LJ1"] = lj1 atom["ambertype0"] = typ0 atom["ambertype1"] = typ1 atom["element1"] = Element.biological_element(typ1) # now update all of the internals bond_prop = map["bond"].source() ang_prop = map["angle"].source() dih_prop = map["dihedral"].source() imp_prop = map["improper"].source() bonds0 = bonds1 = bonds0.clone() angles0 = angles1 = angles0.clone() dihedrals0 = dihedrals1 = dihedrals0.clone() impropers0 = impropers1 = impropers0.clone() from ..legacy.MM import AmberBond, AmberAngle, AmberDihedral, AmberDihPart from ..cas import Symbol from ..mol import AtomIdx, BondID, AngleID, DihedralID, ImproperID r = Symbol("r") theta = Symbol("theta") phi = Symbol("phi") for bond in template.get_bonds(): atom1 = bond.atom0() atom2 = bond.atom1() atom1_idx = AtomIdx(name_to_idx[atom1.value()]) atom2_idx = AtomIdx(name_to_idx[atom2.value()]) k0 = template.get_init_bond_k(bond) k1 = template.get_final_bond_k(bond) r0 = template.get_init_bond_r(bond) r1 = template.get_final_bond_r(bond) bonds0.set( BondID(atom1_idx, atom2_idx), AmberBond(k0, r0).to_expression(r), ) bonds1.set( BondID(atom1_idx, atom2_idx), AmberBond(k1, r1).to_expression(r), ) c["bond0"] = bonds0 c["bond1"] = bonds1 for angle in template.get_angles(): atom1 = angle.atom0() atom2 = angle.atom1() atom3 = angle.atom2() atom1_idx = AtomIdx(name_to_idx[atom1.value()]) atom2_idx = AtomIdx(name_to_idx[atom2.value()]) atom3_idx = AtomIdx(name_to_idx[atom3.value()]) k0 = template.get_init_angle_k(angle) k1 = template.get_final_angle_k(angle) theta0 = template.get_init_angle_t(angle) theta1 = template.get_final_angle_t(angle) angles0.set( AngleID(atom1_idx, atom2_idx, atom3_idx), AmberAngle(k0, theta0).to_expression(theta), ) angles1.set( AngleID(atom1_idx, atom2_idx, atom3_idx), AmberAngle(k1, theta1).to_expression(theta), ) c["angle0"] = angles0 c["angle1"] = angles1 for dihedral in template.get_dihedrals(): atom1 = dihedral.atom0() atom2 = dihedral.atom1() atom3 = dihedral.atom2() atom4 = dihedral.atom3() atom1_idx = AtomIdx(name_to_idx[atom1.value()]) atom2_idx = AtomIdx(name_to_idx[atom2.value()]) atom3_idx = AtomIdx(name_to_idx[atom3.value()]) atom4_idx = AtomIdx(name_to_idx[atom4.value()]) params0 = template.get_init_dih_params(dihedral) params1 = template.get_final_dih_params(dihedral) func0 = 0 func1 = 0 for i in range(0, len(params0), 3): k0 = params0[i] n0 = params0[i + 1] phi0 = params0[i + 2] func0 += AmberDihedral(AmberDihPart(k0, n0, phi0)).to_expression(phi) for i in range(0, len(params1), 3): k1 = params1[i] n1 = params1[i + 1] phi1 = params1[i + 2] func1 += AmberDihedral(AmberDihPart(k1, n1, phi1)).to_expression(phi) dihedrals0.set(DihedralID(atom1_idx, atom2_idx, atom3_idx, atom4_idx), func0) dihedrals1.set(DihedralID(atom1_idx, atom2_idx, atom3_idx, atom4_idx), func1) c["dihedral0"] = dihedrals0 c["dihedral1"] = dihedrals1 for improper in template.get_impropers(): atom1 = improper.atom0() atom2 = improper.atom1() atom3 = improper.atom2() atom4 = improper.atom3() atom1_idx = AtomIdx(name_to_idx[atom1.value()]) atom2_idx = AtomIdx(name_to_idx[atom2.value()]) atom3_idx = AtomIdx(name_to_idx[atom3.value()]) atom4_idx = AtomIdx(name_to_idx[atom4.value()]) params0 = template.get_init_imp_params(improper) params1 = template.get_final_imp_params(improper) func0 = 0 func1 = 0 for i in range(0, len(params0), 3): k0 = params0[i] n0 = params0[i + 1] phi0 = params0[i + 2] func0 += AmberDihedral(AmberDihPart(k0, n0, phi0)).to_expression(phi) for i in range(0, len(params1), 3): k1 = params1[i] n1 = params1[i + 1] phi1 = params1[i + 2] func1 += AmberDihedral(AmberDihPart(k1, n1, phi1)).to_expression(phi) impropers0.set(ImproperID(atom1_idx, atom2_idx, atom3_idx, atom4_idx), func0) impropers1.set(ImproperID(atom1_idx, atom2_idx, atom3_idx, atom4_idx), func1) c["improper0"] = impropers0 c["improper1"] = impropers1 # duplicate unperturbed properties for prop in ["coordinates", "mass", "forcefield", "intrascale"]: orig_prop = map[prop].source() c[prop + "0"] = c[orig_prop] c[prop + "1"] = c[orig_prop] del c[orig_prop] # now remove all of the "default" properties del c[chg_prop] del c[lj_prop] del c[typ_prop] del c[elem_prop] del c[bond_prop] del c[ang_prop] del c[dih_prop] del c[imp_prop] mol = c.commit() # we now need to generat the AmberParameters for the two end states from ..legacy.MM import AmberParams map0 = { "charge": "charge0", "LJ": "LJ0", "ambertype": "ambertype0", "bond": "bond0", "angle": "angle0", "dihedral": "dihedral0", "improper": "improper0", } params0 = AmberParams(mol, map0) map1 = { "charge": "charge1", "LJ": "LJ1", "ambertype": "ambertype1", "bond": "bond1", "angle": "angle1", "dihedral": "dihedral1", "improper": "improper1", } params1 = AmberParams(mol, map1) c["parameters0"] = params0 c["parameters1"] = params1 c["is_perturbable"] = True # make sure that we link to the reference state return c.commit().perturbation().link_to_reference(auto_commit=True)