Source code for sire.utils._try_import

__all__ = ["try_import", "try_import_from", "assert_imported", "have_imported"]

_module_to_package = {}
_failed_modules = {}

def _find_conda():
    import os
    import sys

    conda_base = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.executable))

    if os.path.basename(conda_base) == "bin":
        conda_base = os.path.dirname(conda_base)

    conda = None

    if "CONDA_EXE" in os.environ:
        conda = os.environ["CONDA_EXE"]
        conda = None

    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(conda_base, "python.exe")):
        # Windows
        conda_bin = os.path.join(conda_base, "Library", "bin")

        if conda is None:
            conda = os.path.join(conda_base, "Scripts", "conda.exe")
    elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(conda_base, "bin", "python")):
        # MacOS and Linux
        conda_bin = os.path.join(conda_base, "bin")

        if conda is None:
            conda = os.path.join(conda_bin, "conda")
            "Cannot find a 'python' binary in directory '%s'. "
            "Are you running this script using the python executable "
            "from a valid miniconda or anaconda installation?" % conda_base
        return None

    return conda

def _install_package(name, package_registry, version=None):
    Internal function used to install the module
    called 'name', using the passed 'package_registry'
    to find the package that contains the package
    that contains this module

    conda = _find_conda()

    # ensure that we have the root package name
        package = name.split(".")[0]
    except Exception:
        package = name

    if package in package_registry:
        package = package_registry[name]

    import subprocess

        if version is not None:
                # Check first that 'version' is a number
                _v = float(version)  # noqa: F841
                version = "==%s" % version
            except Exception:

            package = "'%s%s'" % (package, version)

            "\nTrying to install %s from package %s using %s...\n"
            % (name, package, conda)

        args = [conda, "install", package, "-y"]

        result =

        if result.returncode == 0:
            # installed ok
    except Exception:

    print("\nWARNING: Unable to install '%s' from package '%s'\n" % (name, package))

class _ModuleStub:
    def __init__(self, name: str, install_command: str = None):
        self._name = name

        if install_command is None:
            self._install_command = f"conda install {name}"
            self._install_command = install_command

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"<stubmodule '{self._name}' from /could/not/be/imported>"

    def __getattr__(self, key):
        message = (
            f"Cannot continue as the module '{self._name}' "
            "has not been installed. To continue, you "
            "should install the module using the command "

        raise ModuleNotFoundError(message)

[docs] def try_import(name, package_registry=_module_to_package, version=None): """ Try to import the module called 'name', returning the loaded module as an argument. If the module is not available, then it looks up the name of the package to install using "package_registry" (or if this is not available, using just the name of the module). This will then be installed using "conda" (first one that works will return). For example, use this via sys = try_import("sys") mdtraj = try_import("mdtraj") Note that you can also rename modules, e.g. by using md = try_import("mdtraj") Note that you should use try_import_from if you want only specific symbols, e.g. (argv, stdout) = try_import_from("sys", ["argv","stdout"]) This will return a _ModuleStub if this package cannot be imported. The _ModuleStub will raise a ModuleNotFoundError if any functonality from the module is used. """ if name in _failed_modules: return _ModuleStub(name) error_string = None try: mod = __import__(name) return mod except Exception as e: error_string = str(e) if not (package_registry is None): _install_package(name, package_registry, version=version) return try_import(name, package_registry=None) _failed_modules[name] = error_string return _ModuleStub(name)
[docs] def try_import_from(name, fromlist, package_registry=_module_to_package, version=None): """Try to import from the module called 'name' the passed symbol (or list of symbols) contained in 'fromlist', returning the symbol (or list of symbols). If the module cannot be loaded, then the package containing the module is looked up in 'module_to_package' (or just guessed from the name if it does not exist in 'module_to_package'. An attempt is made to load the package, using first conda, then pip, then easy_install. Example usage: mol = try_import_from("sire", "mol") (argv,stdout = try_import_from("sys", ["argv", "stdout"]) ut = try_import_from("mdtraj", "utils") """ if isinstance(fromlist, str): # we are importing only a single module - put # this string into a list for the user fromlist = [fromlist] try: nsyms = len(fromlist) except Exception: return try_import(name, package_registry) if nsyms == 0: # just import the entire module return try_import(name, package_registry) is_loaded = False try: mod = __import__(name, globals(), locals(), fromlist) is_loaded = True except Exception: is_loaded = False if not is_loaded: if not (package_registry is None): _install_package(name, package_registry, version=version) return try_import_from(name, fromlist, package_registry=None) else: m = " ".join(fromlist) return _ModuleStub(name, f"conda install {m}") if nsyms == 1: try: return getattr(mod, fromlist[0]) except Exception: raise ImportError( "Cannot find the symbol '%s' in module '%s'" % (fromlist[0], name) ) else: ret = [] missing_symbols = [] for sym in fromlist: try: ret.append(getattr(mod, sym)) except Exception: missing_symbols.append(sym) if len(missing_symbols) > 0: raise ImportError( "Cannot find the following symbols in module '%s' : [ %s ]" % (name, ", ".join(missing_symbols)) ) return ret
[docs] def assert_imported(module): """ Assert that the passed module has indeed been imported. This will raise a ModuleNotFoundError if the module has not been imported, and has instead been stubbed. """ if isinstance(module, _ModuleStub): module.this_will_break()
[docs] def have_imported(module) -> bool: """ Return whether or not the passed module has indeed been imported (and thus is not stubbed). """ return not isinstance(module, _ModuleStub)