In this section we will show how to use the emle-engine
package as a QM/MM engine within sire
. The emle-engine
package provides
support for a wide range of backends and embedding models, importantly providing
a simple and efficient ML model for electrostatic embedding.
In order to use EMLE you will first need to create the following conda
$ git clone
$ cd emle-engine
$ conda env create -f environment_sire.yaml
$ conda activate emle-sire
$ pip install -e .
In this tutorial, we will perform a short ML/MM simulation of alanine dipeptide in water. First, let us load the molecular system:
>>> import sire as sr
>>> mols = sr.load_test_files("ala.crd", "")
Creating an EMLE calculator¶
Next we will create an emle-engine
calculator to perform the QM (or ML) calculation
for the dipeptide along with the ML electrostatic embedding. Since this is a small molecule
it isn’t beneficial to perform the calculation on a GPU, so we will use the CPU instead.
>>> from emle.calculator import EMLECalculator
>>> calculator = EMLECalculator(device="cpu")
By default, emle-engine
will use TorchANI
as the backend for in vacuo calculation of energies and gradients. However,
it is possible to use a wide variety of other backends, including your own
as long as it supports the standand Atomic Simulation Environment (ASE)
calculator interface.
For details, see the backends
section of the emle-engine
documentation. At present, the default embedding
model provided with emle-engine
supports only the elements H, C, N, O, and S.
We plan on adding support for other elements in the near future.
Creating a QM engine¶
We now need to set up the molecular system for the QM/MM simulation and create an engine to perform the calculation:
>>> qm_mols, engine = sr.qm.emle(
... mols,
... mols[0],
... calculator,
... cutoff="7.5A",
... neighbour_list_frequency=20
... )
Here the first argument is the molecules that we are simulating, the second
selection coresponding to the QM region (here this is the first molecule), and
the third is calculator that was created above. The fourth and fifth arguments
are optional, and specify the QM cutoff distance and the neighbour list update
frequency respectively. (Shown are the default values.) The function returns a
modified version of the molecules containing a “merged” dipeptide that can be
interpolated between MM and QM levels of theory, along with an engine. The
engine registers a Python callback that uses emle-engine
to perform the QM
Running a QM/MM simulation¶
Next we need to create a dynamics object to perform the simulation. For QM/MM
simulations it is recommended to use a 1 femtosecond timestep and no constraints.
In this example we will use the lambda_interpolate
keyword to interpolate
the dipeptide potential between pure MM (λ=0) and QM (λ=1) over the course of
the simulation, which can be used for end-state correction of binding free
energy calculations.
>>> d = qm_mols.dynamics(
... timestep="1fs",
... constraint="none",
... qm_engine=engine,
... lambda_interpolate=[0, 1],
... platform="cpu",
... )
We can now run the simulation. The options below specify the run time, the
frequency at which trajectory frames are saved, and the frequency at which
energies are recorded. The energy_frequency
also specifies the frequency
at which the λ value is updated.
>>>"1ps", frame_frequency="0.05ps", energy_frequency="0.05ps")
If you don’t require a trajectory file, then better performance can be achieved
leaving the frame_frequency
keyword argument unset.
Once the simulation has finished we can get back the trajectory of energy values.
This can be obtained as a pandas DataFrame
allowing for easy plotting and analysis. The table below shows the instantaneous
kinetic and potential energies as a function of λ, along with the accumulated
non-equilibrium work. (Times are in picoseconds and energies are in kcal/mol.)
>>> nrg_traj = d.energy_trajectory(to_pandas=True)
>>> print(nrg_traj)
lambda kinetic potential work
6000.05 0.000000 1004.360323 -6929.923522 0.000000
6000.10 0.052632 907.430686 -23199.383591 -856.287372
6000.15 0.105263 1103.734847 -39773.815961 -1728.625918
6000.20 0.157895 982.097859 -56012.557224 -2583.296511
6000.25 0.210526 1035.727824 -72437.484783 -3447.766382
6000.30 0.263158 1029.009153 -88803.629979 -4309.142445
6000.35 0.315789 1014.269847 -105159.643486 -5169.985261
6000.40 0.368421 1021.246476 -121532.624612 -6031.721110
6000.45 0.421053 1022.233858 -137904.993921 -6893.424758
6000.50 0.473684 1025.310039 -154284.677129 -7755.513348
6000.55 0.526316 1025.001630 -170655.548776 -8617.138171
6000.60 0.578947 1016.891585 -187011.341345 -9477.969359
6000.65 0.631579 1022.910901 -203389.408932 -10339.972916
6000.70 0.684211 1024.431575 -219765.627241 -11201.879143
6000.75 0.736842 1052.484710 -236168.647435 -12065.195995
6000.80 0.789474 1032.732604 -252520.971205 -12925.844615
6000.85 0.842105 1061.216013 -268919.903129 -13788.946295
6000.90 0.894737 1062.979311 -285305.108112 -14651.325505
6000.95 0.947368 1057.025646 -301673.184597 -15512.803215
6001.00 1.000000 1024.034371 -318006.345331 -16372.443253
In the table above, the time doesn’t start from zero because the example molecular system was loaded from an existing trajectory restart file.
Unlike the sander
interface of emle-engine
, the interpolated potential
energy is non-linear with respect to λ, i.e. it is not precisely a linear
combination of MM and QM energies. This is because the sire
performs a perturbation of the system parameters from MM to QM as λ is
changed, e.g. scaling down the force constants for bonded terms in the QM
region and scaling down the charges. Perturbing charges linearly results in
an energy change between charges that is quadratic in λ.
Interfacing with OpenMM-ML¶
In the example above we used a sire dynamics object d
to run the simulation.
This is wrapper around a standard OpenMM context object, providing a simple
convenience functions to make it easier to run and analyse simulations. However,
if you are already familiar with OpenMM, then it is possible to use emle-engine
with OpenMM directly. This allows for fully customised simulations, or the use
of OpenMM-ML as the backend for
calculation of the intramolecular force for the QM region.
To use OpenMM-ML
as the backend for the QM calculation, you will first need
to install the package:
$ conda install -c conda-forge openmm-ml
Next, you will need to create an MLPotential
for desired backend. Here we
will use the ANI-2x, as was used for the EMLECalculator
above. The
>>> import openmm
>>> from openmmml import MLPotential
>>> potential = MLPotential("ani2x")
Since we are now using the MLPotential
for the QM calculation, we need to
create a new EMLECalculator
object with no backend, i.e. one that only
computes the electrostatic embedding:
>>> calculator = EMLECalculator(backend=None, device="cpu")
Next we create a new engine bound to the calculator:
>>> _, engine = sr.qm.emle(
>>> ... mols, mols[0], calculator, cutoff="7.5A", neighbour_list_frequency=20
>>> ... )
is not needed when using OpenMM-ML
, since it will perform
its own internal modifications for performing interpolation.
Rather than using this engine with a sire
dynamics object, we can instead
extract the underlying OpenMM
force object and add it to an existing
system. The forces can be extracted from the engine as follows:
>>> emle_force, interpolation_force = engine.get_forces()
The emle_force
object is the OpenMM
force object that calculates the
electrostatic embedding interaction. The interpolation_force
is a null
object that contains a lambda_emle
global parameter
than can be used to scale the electrostatic embedding interaction. (By default,
this is set to 1, but can be set to any value between 0 and 1.)
The interpolation_force
has no energy contribution. It is only required
as there is currently no way to add global parameters to the EMLEForce
Next we need to save the original molecular system to disk so that we can load it
with OpenMM
. Here we will use AMBER format files, but any format supported by
can be used.
>>>, "ala", ["prm7", "rst7"])
We can now read them back in with OpenMM
>>> prmtop ="ala.prm7")
>>> inpcrd ="ala.rst7")
Next we use the prmtop
to create the MM system:
>>> mm_system = prmtop.createSystem(
... nonbondedCutoff=1 * openmm.unit.nanometer,
... )
In oder to create the ML system, we first define the ML region. This is a list of atom indices that are to be treated with the ML model.
>>> ml_atoms = list(range(qm_mols[0].num_atoms()))
We can now create the ML system:
>>> ml_system = potential.createMixedSystem(
... prmtop.topology, mm_system, ml_atoms, interpolate=True
... )
By setting interpolate=True
we are telling the MLPotential
to create
a mixed system that can be interpolated between MM and ML levels of theory
using the lambda_interpolate
global parameter. (By default this is set to 1.)
If you choose not to add the emle
interpolation force to the system, then
the EMLEForce
will also use the lambda_interpolate
global parameter.
This allows for the electrostatic embedding to be alongside or independent of
the ML model.
We can now add the emle
forces to the system:
>>> ml_system.addForce(emle_force)
>>> ml_system.addForce(interpolation_force)
In order to ensure that OpenMM-ML
doesn’t perform mechanical embedding, we
next need to zero the charges of the QM atoms in the MM system:
>>> for force in ml_system.getForces():
... if isinstance(force, mm.NonbondedForce):
... for i in ml_atoms:
... _, sigma, epsilon = force.getParticleParameters(i)
... force.setParticleParameters(i, 0, sigma, epsilon)
In order to run a simulation we need to create an integrator and context. First we create the integrator:
>>> integrator = openmm.LangevinMiddleIntegrator(
... 300 * openmm.unit.kelvin,
... 1.0 / openmm.unit.picosecond,
... 0.002 * openmm.unit.picosecond,
... )
And finally the context:
>>> context = openmm.Context(ml_system, integrator)
>>> context.setPositions(inpcrd.positions)
Creating an EMLE torch module¶
As well as the EMLECalculator
, the emle-engine
package provides Torch
modules for the calculation of the electrostatic embedding. These can be used
to create derived modules for the calculation of in vacuo and electrostatic
embedding energies for different backends. For example, we provide an optimised
module that can be used to add electrostatic embedding to the
existing ANI2x
model from TorchANI.
Torch support is currently not available for our Windows conda pacakge
since pytorch
is not available for Windows on the conda-forge
It is possible to compile Sire from source using a local pytorch
installation, or using the pacakge from the official pytorch
As an example for how to use the module, let’s again use the example alanine dipeptide system. First, let’s reload the system and center the solute within the simulation box:
>>> mols = sr.load_test_files("ala.crd", "")
>>> center = mols[0].coordinates()
>>> mols.make_whole(center=center)
To obtain the point charges around the QM region we can take advantage of Sire’s powerful search syntax, e.g:
>>> mols["mols within 7.5 of molidx 0"].view()

Next we will set the device and dtype for our Torch tensors:
>>> import torch
>>> device = torch.device("cuda")
>>> dtype = torch.float32
Now we can create the input tensors for our calculation. First the coordinates of the QM region:
>>> coords_qm = torch.tensor(
... device=device,
... dtype=dtype,
... requires_grad=True,
... )
Next the coordinates of the MM region, which can be obtained using the search term above:
>>> mm_atoms = mols["water within 7.5 of molidx 0"].atoms()
>>> coords_mm = torch.tensor(
... device=device,
... dtype=dtype,
... requires_grad=True,
... )
Now the atomic numbers for the atoms within the QM region:
>>> atomic_numbers = torch.tensor(
... [element.num_protons() for element in mols[0].property("element")],
... device=device,
... dtype=torch.int64,
... )
And finally the charges of the MM atoms:
>>> charges_mm = torch.tensor(["charge").value() for atom in mm_atoms],
... device=device,
... dtype=dtype
... )
In order to perform a calculation we need to create an instance of the
>>> from emle.models import ANI2xEMLE
>>> model = ANI2xEMLE().to(device)
We can now calculate the in vacuo and electrostatic embedding energies:
>>> energies = model(atomic_numbers, charges_mm, coords_qm, coords_mm)
>>> print(energies)
tensor([-4.9570e+02, -4.2597e-02, -1.2952e-02], device='cuda:0',
dtype=torch.float64, grad_fn=<StackBackward0>)
The first element of the tensor is the in vacuo energy of the QM region, the second is the static electrostatic embedding energy, and the third is the induced electrostatic embedding energy.
Then we can use autograd
to compute the gradients of the energies with respect
to the QM and MM coordinates:
>>> grad_qm, grad_mm = torch.autograd.grad(energies.sum(), (coords_qm, coords_mm))
>>> print(grad_qm)
>>> print(grad_mm)
tensor([[-2.4745e-03, -1.2421e-02, 1.1079e-02],
[-7.0100e-03, -2.9659e-02, -6.8182e-03],
[-1.8393e-03, 1.1682e-02, 1.1509e-02],
[-3.4777e-03, 1.5750e-03, -1.9650e-02],
[-3.4737e-02, 7.3493e-02, 3.7996e-02],
[-9.3575e-03, -3.7101e-02, -2.0774e-02],
[ 9.2816e-02, -7.5343e-03, -5.0656e-02],
[ 4.9443e-03, 1.1114e-02, -4.0737e-04],
[-1.6362e-03, 3.0464e-03, 3.0192e-02],
[-6.2813e-03, -1.3678e-02, -3.4606e-03],
[ 4.5878e-03, 3.0234e-02, -2.9871e-02],
[-3.8999e-03, -1.3376e-02, -2.6382e-03],
[ 4.4184e-03, -7.4247e-03, 5.1742e-04],
[ 8.8851e-05, -8.5786e-03, 1.2712e-02],
[-5.9939e-02, 1.1648e-01, 1.6692e-01],
[-6.4231e-03, -4.4771e-02, 3.0655e-03],
[ 1.1274e-01, -6.4833e-02, -1.5494e-01],
[ 1.8500e-03, 5.5206e-03, -7.0060e-03],
[-6.3634e-02, -1.5340e-02, -2.7031e-03],
[ 7.7061e-03, 3.7852e-02, 6.0927e-03],
[-2.9915e-03, -3.5084e-02, 2.3909e-02],
[-1.5018e-02, 8.6911e-03, -2.5789e-03]], device='cuda:0')
tensor([[ 1.8065e-03, -1.4048e-03, -6.0694e-04],
[-9.0640e-04, 5.1307e-04, 9.6374e-06],
[-8.4827e-04, 9.5815e-04, 1.7164e-04],
[-5.7833e-04, -1.9125e-04, 2.0395e-03],
[ 3.2311e-04, 2.1525e-04, -7.8029e-04],
[ 3.5424e-04, 4.0781e-04, -1.5014e-03]], device='cuda:0')
The model is serialisable, so can be saved and loaded using the standard
functions, e.g.:
>>> script_model = torch.jit.script(model)
>>>, "")
It is also possible to use the model with Sire when performing QM/MM dynamics:
>>> qm_mols, engine = sr.qm.emle(
... mols, mols[0], model, cutoff="7.5A", neighbour_list_frequency=20
... )
The model will be serialised and loaded into a C++ TorchQMEngine
bypassing the need for a Python callback.