
The sire QM/MM implementation takes advantage of the new means of writing platform independent force calculations introduced in OpenMM 8.1. This allows us to interface with any external package to modify atomic forces within the OpenMM context. While OpenMM already directly supports ML/MM simulations via the OpenMM-ML package, it is currently limited to specific backends and only supports mechanical embedding. The sire QM/MM implementation provides a simple way to interface with any external QM package using a simple Python callback. This approach is designed with generarilty and flexibility in mind, rather than performance, allowing a user to quickly prototype new ideas.

Creating a QM engine

In order to run QM/MM with sire, we first need to create a QM engine. This is passed as a keyword argument to the dynamics function and is used to perform the QM part of the calculation at each timestep.

As an example, we will consider the case of running a QM/MM simulation of alanine dipeptide in water. First, let us load the molecular system:

>>> import sire as sr
>>> mols = sr.load_test_files("ala.crd", "")

We now need to set up the molecular system for the QM/MM simulation and create an engine to perform the calculation:

>>> qm_mols, engine = sr.qm.create_engine(
...     mols,
...     mols[0],
...     py_object,
...     callback="callback",
...     cutoff="7.5A",
...     neighbour_list_frequency=20,
...     mechanical_embedding=False,
... )

Here the first argument is the molecules that we are simulating, the second selection coresponding to the QM region (here this is the first molecule). The selection syntax for QM atoms is extremely flexible. Any valid search string, atom index, list of atom indicies, or molecule view/container that can be used. Support for modelling partial molecules at the QM level is provided via the link atom approach, via the charge shifting method. For details of this implementation, see, e.g., the NAMD user guide here. While we support multiple QM fragments, we do not currently support multiple independent QM regions. We plan on adding support for this in the near future. The third argument is the Python object that will be used to perform the QM calculation. The fourth argument is the name of the callback function that will be used. If None, then it assumed that the py_object itself is a callable, i.e. it is the callback function. The callback function should have the following signature:

from typing import List, Optional, Tuple

def callback(
    numbers_qm: List[int],
    charges_mm: List[float],
    xyz_qm: List[List[float]],
    xyz_mm: List[List[float]],
    idx_mm: Optional[List[int]] = None,
) -> Tuple[float, List[List[float]], List[List[float]]]:

The function takes the atomic numbers of the QM atoms, the charges of the MM atoms in mod electron charge, the coordinates of the QM atoms in Angstrom, and the coordinates of the MM atoms in Angstrom. Optionally, it should also take the indices of the true MM atoms (not link atoms or virtual charges) within the QM/MM region. This is useful for obtaining any additional atomic properties that may be required by the callback. (Note that link atoms and virtual charges are always placed last in the list of MM charges and positions.) The function should return the calculated energy in kJ/mol, the forces on the QM atoms in kJ/mol/nm, and the forces on the MM atoms in kJ/mol/nm. The remaining arguments are optional and specify the QM cutoff distance, the neighbour list update frequency, and whether the electrostatics should be treated with mechanical embedding. When mechanical embedding is used, the electrostatics are treated at the MM level by OpenMM. Note that this doesn’t change the signature of the callback function, i.e. it will be passed empty lists for the MM specific arguments and should return an empty list for the MM forces. Atomic positions passed to the callback function will already be unwrapped with the QM region in the center. By default, no neighbour list will be used. (The same thing can be achieved by passing neighbour_list_frequency=0.) This is useful when using the engine as a calculator for different input structures, where there may be no correlation between coordinates. For regular molecular dynamics simulations, setting a non-zero neighbour list frequency can improve performance.

The create_engine function returns a modified version of the molecules containing a “merged” dipeptide that can be interpolated between MM and QM levels of theory, along with the QM engine. This approach is extremely flexible and allows the user to easily create a QM engine for a wide variety of QM packages.

Note that while the callback interface described above is designed to be used for QM/MM, it is completely general so could be used to apply any external force based on the local environment around a subset of atoms. For example, you could apply a biasing potential on top of the regular MM force field.

Running a QM/MM simulation

In order to run a QM/MM simulation with sire we just need to specify our QM engine when creating a dynamics object, for example:

>>> d = qm_mols.dynamics(
...     timestep="1fs",
...     constraint="none",
...     qm_engine=engine,
...     platform="cpu",
... )

Next we will minimise the system ready for simulation:

>>> d.minimise()

When runinng QM/MM simulations it is recommended to use a 1 femtosecond timestep and no constraints. The simulation can then be run as usual:

>>>"100ps", energy_frequency="1ps", frame_frequency="1ps")

This will run 100 picoseconds of dynamics, recording the energy and coordinates every picosecond.

If you are using the callback interface and wish to apply a force on top of the existing MM force field, rather than perform QM/MM, then you can pass swap_end_states=True to the dynamics function. This will swap the QM and MM end states of all perturbable molecules within qm_mols, so that the MM state corresponds to λ = 1. More details on on λ interpolation can be found in the next section.

In next section we will show how to use emle-engine package as QM engine via a simple specialisation of the interface shown above.