Source code for sire

from . import config

import os as _os
import warnings as _warnings

from ._pythonize import use_mixed_api, use_new_api, use_old_api
from ._load import (

from ._measure import measure, minimum_distance
from ._colname import colname, colnames
from ._match import match_atoms
from ._parallel import (

__all__ = [

# filter out annoying double-wrapped warnings
_warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "to-Python converter for")

def _fix_openmm_path():
    """We need to fix the OpenMM path on Windows, because the DLL
    is not where we would expect it to be
    import sys

    if sys.platform != "win32":

    import os
    import glob

    condadir = os.path.dirname(sys.executable)

    # The DLL is put in libdir, but other DLLs are put in bindir
    libdir = os.path.join(condadir, "Library", "lib")
    bindir = os.path.join(condadir, "Library", "bin")
    openmm_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(libdir, "OpenMM*.dll"))

    need_path = False

    for file in openmm_files:
        binfile = os.path.join(bindir, os.path.basename(file))

        if not os.path.exists(binfile):
            # We do need to add bindir to the PATH
            need_path = True

    if need_path:
        # importing openmm should add this path
            import openmm  # noqa: F401 (imported but unused)
        except Exception:
            print("OpenMM import failed!")
            # Copy the files
                for file in openmm_files:
                    binfile = os.path.join(bindir, os.path.basename(file))

                    if not os.path.exists(binfile):
                        # copy the file into the right place
                        import shutil

                        shutil.copy(file, binfile)
            except Exception:
                    "Could not resolve OpenMM library location. "
                    "This may cause issues later."

        # also add it manually here
        except Exception:
            # os.add_dll_directory is not available on old Python (3.7)


[docs] def sqrt(x): """Return the square root of the passed value""" if hasattr(x, "sqrt"): return x.sqrt() else: import math return math.sqrt(x)
[docs] def u(unit): """ Return a sire unit created from the passed expression. If this is a sire.units.GeneralUnit then it will be returned. If this is a string, then it will be parseed and returned as a sire.units.GeneralUnit. """ from .units import GeneralUnit error = None try: return GeneralUnit(unit) except Exception as e: error = e # is this a different unit model? # Try BioSimSpace if str(type(unit)).find("BioSimSpace") != -1: try: return GeneralUnit(unit._sire_unit) except Exception: pass return GeneralUnit(f"{unit}") # Try Pint if str(type(unit)).find("pint") != -1 and hasattr(type(unit), "magnitude"): # this is a pint unit - convert to a string (using the long-default # format, as sire should be able to read and understand this) # (we can't use short default as we use 'A' to mean angstrom, not amp) return GeneralUnit(unit.magnitude, f"{unit.units}") # Just try representing this as a string and see what happens try: return GeneralUnit(f"{unit}") except Exception as e: raise TypeError( f"Could not convert {unit} to a sire unit. The original error " f"that was raised was: {error}. The error raised when parsing " f"the string version was {e}" )
[docs] def v(x, y=None, z=None, units=None): """ Return a sire vector from the passed expression. If this is a set of numbers or lengths (or a combination) then a sire.maths.Vector will be returned. If this is a value with velocity or force units then a Velocity3D or Force3D will be returned. If there is no vector type for data of this value then a simple python vector object will be returned. Args: x: The x-value, or something containing 3 values y: The y-value (cannot be specified if x has more than 1 value) z: The z-value (cannot be specified if x has more than 1 value) units: The units of the passed values (optional - will be guessed if not specified). You should not pass this if x, y or z already have values. """ if type(x) is dict: if y is not None or z is not None: raise ValueError("You cannot specify y or z values when passing a dict.") y = x["x"] z = x["z"] x = x["x"] elif (not isinstance(x, str)) and hasattr(x, "__len__"): if len(x) != 3: raise ValueError( "The passed list or tuple must have three elements to be " f"converted to a Vector - the value '{x}' is not valid." ) if y is not None or z is not None: raise ValueError( "You cannot specify y or z values when passing a list or tuple." ) (x, y, z) = (x[0], x[1], x[2]) else: if y is None: y = 0 if z is None: z = 0 if units is not None: u_units = u(units) if u_units.temperature() == 0: x *= u_units y *= u_units z *= u_units else: from .units import kelvin if u_units.has_same_units(kelvin): x = u(f"{x} {units}") y = u(f"{y} {units}") z = u(f"{z} {units}") else: raise ValueError( "You can't specify units that include temperature, " "as this can't be mulitplied easily." ) x = u(x) y = u(y) z = u(z) from .maths import Vector # find the units of the passed values if x.is_zero() and y.is_zero() and z.is_zero(): return Vector(0) units = None if not x.is_dimensionless(): units = x.units() if not y.is_dimensionless(): if units is None: units = y.units() elif not units.has_same_units(y): raise ValueError( "The passed y value has units that are aren't compatible with x. " f"{x} versus {y}" ) if not z.is_dimensionless(): if units is None: units = z.units() elif not units.has_same_units(z): raise ValueError( "The passed z value has units that are aren't compatible with x or y. " f"{x} versus {y} versus {z}" ) if units is None: # all dimensionless - will be a simple vector return Vector(x.value(), y.value(), z.value()) else: if x.is_dimensionless(): x = x * units if y.is_dimensionless(): y = y * units if z.is_dimensionless(): z = z * units # we have units - need to create a vector with the right type from .units import angstrom if units.has_same_units(angstrom): return Vector(x, y, z) from .units import picosecond if units.has_same_units(angstrom / picosecond): from .legacy.Mol import Velocity3D return Velocity3D(x, y, z) from .units import newton if units.has_same_units(newton): from .legacy.Mol import Force3D return Force3D(x, y, z) # no vector type for this - just return a simple vector return (x, y, z)
[docs] def molid( num: int = None, name: str = None, idx: int = None, case_sensitive: bool = True, ): """Construct an identifer for a Molecule from the passed name, number and index. Args: name (str, optional): The molecule name. Defaults to None. num (int, optional): The molecule number. Defaults to None. idx (int, optional): The molecule index. Defaults to None. case_sensitive (bool): Whether or not the name is case sensitive Returns: MolID : The returned molecule identifier """ ID = None if type(num) is str: # used in unnamed argument mode if name is None: name = num num = None elif type(name) is int: (num, name) = (name, num) else: raise TypeError("The number cannot be a string.") from .mol import MolName, MolNum, MolIdx if name is not None: if case_sensitive: from .id import CaseSensitive cs = CaseSensitive else: from .id import CaseInsensitive cs = CaseInsensitive ID = MolName(name, cs) if num is not None: if ID is None: ID = MolNum(num) else: ID = ID + MolNum(num) if idx is not None: if ID is None: ID = MolIdx(idx) else: ID = ID + MolIdx(idx) if ID is None: return MolIdx() else: return ID
[docs] def atomid(num: int = None, name: str = None, idx: int = None, case_sensitive=True): """Construct an identifer for an Atom from the passed name, number and index. Args: name (str, optional): The atom name. Defaults to None. num (int, optional): The atom number. Defaults to None. idx (int, optional): The atom index. Defaults to None. case_sensitive (bool): Whether the name is case sensitive or not Returns: AtomID : The returned atom identifier """ ID = None if type(num) is str: # used in unnamed argument mode if name is None: name = num num = None elif type(name) is int: (num, name) = (name, num) else: raise TypeError("The number cannot be a string.") from .mol import AtomName, AtomNum, AtomIdx if name is not None: if case_sensitive: from .id import CaseSensitive cs = CaseSensitive else: from .id import CaseInsensitive cs = CaseInsensitive ID = AtomName(name, cs) if num is not None: if ID is None: ID = AtomNum(num) else: ID = ID + AtomNum(num) if idx is not None: if ID is None: ID = AtomIdx(idx) else: ID = ID + AtomIdx(idx) if ID is None: return AtomIdx() else: return ID
def resid(num: int = None, name: str = None, idx: int = None, case_sensitive=True): """Construct an identifer for a Residue from the passed name, number and index. Args: name (str, optional): The residue name. Defaults to None. number (int, optional): The residue number. Defaults to None. index (int, optional): The residue index. Defaults to None. case_sensitive (bool): Whether or not the name is case sensitive Returns: ResID : The returned atom identifier """ ID = None if type(num) is str: # used in unnamed argument mode if name is None: name = num num = None elif type(name) is int: (num, name) = (name, num) else: raise TypeError("The number cannot be a string.") from .mol import ResName, ResNum, ResIdx if name is not None: if case_sensitive: from .id import CaseSensitive cs = CaseSensitive else: from .id import CaseInsensitive cs = CaseInsensitive ID = ResName(name, cs) if num is not None: if ID is None: ID = ResNum(num) else: ID = ID + ResNum(num) if idx is not None: if ID is None: ID = ResIdx(idx) else: ID = ID + ResIdx(idx) if ID is None: return ResIdx() else: return ID
[docs] def chainid(idx: int = None, name: str = None, case_sensitive: bool = True): """Construct an identifer for a Chain from the passed name and index. Args: name (str, optional): The chain name. Defaults to None. index (int, optional): The chain index. Defaults to None. case_sensitive (bool): Whether or not the name is case sensitive Returns: ChainID : The returned chain identifier """ ID = None if type(idx) is str: # used in unnamed argument mode if name is None: name = idx idx = None elif type(name) is int: (idx, name) = (name, idx) else: raise TypeError("The index cannot be a string.") from .mol import ChainName, ChainIdx if name is not None: if case_sensitive: from .id import CaseSensitive cs = CaseSensitive else: from .id import CaseInsensitive cs = CaseInsensitive ID = ChainName(name, cs) if idx is not None: if ID is None: ID = ChainIdx(idx) else: ID = ID + ChainIdx(idx) if ID is None: return ChainIdx() else: return ID
[docs] def segid(idx: int = None, name: str = None, case_sensitive: bool = True): """Construct an identifer for a Segment from the passed name and index. Args: name (str, optional): The segment name. Defaults to None. index (int, optional): The segment index. Defaults to None. case_sensitive (bool): Whether or not the name is case sensitive Returns: SegID : The returned chain identifier """ ID = None if type(idx) is str: # used in unnamed argument mode if name is None: name = idx idx = None elif type(name) is int: (idx, name) = (name, idx) else: raise TypeError("The index cannot be a string.") from .mol import SegName, SegIdx if name is not None: if case_sensitive: from .id import CaseSensitive cs = CaseSensitive else: from .id import CaseInsensitive cs = CaseInsensitive ID = SegName(name, cs) if idx is not None: if ID is None: ID = SegIdx(idx) else: ID = ID + SegIdx(idx) if ID is None: return SegIdx() else: return ID
def bondid(atom0, atom1, case_sensitive: bool = True): """Construct an identifier for a Bond from the passed identifiers for the two atoms. The atom identifiers can be: * integers - in this case they are treated as Atom indexes * strings - in this case they are treated as Atom names * AtomIDs - these are AtomIDs created via, e.g. the atomid function. Args: atom0 (int, str, AtomID): The identifier for the first atom. atom1 (int, str, AtomID): The identifier for the second atom. case_sensitive: Whether or not the name is case sensitive Returns: BondID: The returned bond identifier """ def _convert(id): if type(id) is int: from .mol import AtomIdx return AtomIdx(id) elif type(id) is str: if case_sensitive: from .id import CaseSensitive cs = CaseSensitive else: from .id import CaseInsensitive cs = CaseInsensitive from .mol import AtomName return AtomName(id, cs) else: from .mol import AtomID if AtomID in type(id).mro(): return id else: return atomid(id) from .mol import BondID return BondID(_convert(atom0), _convert(atom1)) def angleid(atom0, atom1, atom2, case_sensitive: bool = True): """Construct an identifier for a Angle from the passed identifiers for the three atoms. The atom identifiers can be: * integers - in this case they are treated as Atom indexes * strings - in this case they are treated as Atom names * AtomIDs - these are AtomIDs created via, e.g. the atomid function. Args: atom0 (int, str, AtomID): The identifier for the first atom. atom1 (int, str, AtomID): The identifier for the second atom. atom2 (int, str, AtomID): The identifier for the third atom. case_sensitive: Whether or not the name is case sensitive Returns: AngleID: The returned angle identifier """ def _convert(id): if type(id) is int: from .mol import AtomIdx return AtomIdx(id) elif type(id) is str: if case_sensitive: from .id import CaseSensitive cs = CaseSensitive else: from .id import CaseInsensitive cs = CaseInsensitive from .mol import AtomName return AtomName(id, cs) else: from .mol import AtomID if AtomID in type(id).mro(): return id else: return atomid(id) from .mol import AngleID return AngleID(_convert(atom0), _convert(atom1), _convert(atom2)) def dihedralid(atom0, atom1, atom2, atom3, case_sensitive: bool = True): """Construct an identifier for a Dihedral from the passed identifiers for the four atoms. The atom identifiers can be: * integers - in this case they are treated as Atom indexes * strings - in this case they are treated as Atom names * AtomIDs - these are AtomIDs created via, e.g. the atomid function. Args: atom0 (int, str, AtomID): The identifier for the first atom. atom1 (int, str, AtomID): The identifier for the second atom. atom2 (int, str, AtomID): The identifier for the third atom. atom3 (int, str, AtomID): The identifier for the fourth atom. case_sensitive: Whether or not the name is case sensitive Returns: DihedralID: The returned dihedral identifier """ def _convert(id): if type(id) is int: from .mol import AtomIdx return AtomIdx(id) elif type(id) is str: if case_sensitive: from .id import CaseSensitive cs = CaseSensitive else: from .id import CaseInsensitive cs = CaseInsensitive from .mol import AtomName return AtomName(id, cs) else: from .mol import AtomID if AtomID in type(id).mro(): return id else: return atomid(id) from .mol import DihedralID return DihedralID( _convert(atom0), _convert(atom1), _convert(atom2), _convert(atom3) ) def improperid(atom0, atom1, atom2, atom3, case_sensitive: bool = True): """Construct an identifier for an Improper from the passed identifiers for the four atoms. The atom identifiers can be: * integers - in this case they are treated as Atom indexes * strings - in this case they are treated as Atom names * AtomIDs - these are AtomIDs created via, e.g. the atomid function. Args: atom0 (int, str, AtomID): The identifier for the first atom. atom1 (int, str, AtomID): The identifier for the second atom. atom2 (int, str, AtomID): The identifier for the third atom. atom3 (int, str, AtomID): The identifier for the fourth atom. case_sensitive: Whether or not the name is case sensitive Returns: ImproperID: The returned improper identifier """ def _convert(id): if type(id) is int: from .mol import AtomIdx return AtomIdx(id) elif type(id) is str: if case_sensitive: from .id import CaseSensitive cs = CaseSensitive else: from .id import CaseInsensitive cs = CaseInsensitive from .mol import AtomName return AtomName(id, cs) else: from .mol import AtomID if AtomID in type(id).mro(): return id else: return atomid(id) from .mol import ImproperID return ImproperID( _convert(atom0), _convert(atom1), _convert(atom2), _convert(atom3) ) __version__ = config.__version__ __branch__ = config.sire_repository_branch __repository__ = config.sire_repository_url __revisionid__ = config.sire_repository_version[0:7] _can_lazy_import = False if "SIRE_NO_LAZY_IMPORT" not in _os.environ: try: import lazy_import as _lazy_import import logging as _logging _logger = _logging.getLogger("lazy_import") _logger.setLevel(_logging.ERROR) # Previously needed to filter to remove excessive warnings # from 'frozen importlib' when lazy loading. # import warnings # warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") _can_lazy_import = True except Exception as e: print("Lazy import disabled") print(e) _can_lazy_import = False # Lazy import the modules for speed, and also to prevent pythonizing them # if the users wants to run in legacy mode if _can_lazy_import: analysis = _lazy_import.lazy_module("sire.analysis") base = _lazy_import.lazy_module("sire.base") cas = _lazy_import.lazy_module("sire.cas") convert = _lazy_import.lazy_module("sire.convert") cluster = _lazy_import.lazy_module("sire.cluster") error = _lazy_import.lazy_module("sire.error") ff = _lazy_import.lazy_module("sire.ff") id = _lazy_import.lazy_module("") io = _lazy_import.lazy_module("") maths = _lazy_import.lazy_module("sire.maths") mm = _lazy_import.lazy_module("") mol = _lazy_import.lazy_module("sire.mol") morph = _lazy_import.lazy_module("sire.morph") move = _lazy_import.lazy_module("sire.move") options = _lazy_import.lazy_module("sire.options") qt = _lazy_import.lazy_module("sire.qt") restraints = _lazy_import.lazy_module("sire.restraints") search = _lazy_import.lazy_module("") squire = _lazy_import.lazy_module("sire.squire") stream = _lazy_import.lazy_module("") units = _lazy_import.lazy_module("sire.units") utils = _lazy_import.lazy_module("sire.utils") vol = _lazy_import.lazy_module("sire.vol") def _version_string(): """ Return a nicely formatted string that describes the current Sire version """ from .base import ( get_release_version, get_repository_branch, get_repository_version_is_clean, ) from .config import sire_repository_version return """Sire %s [%s|%s, %s]""" % ( get_release_version(), get_repository_branch(), sire_repository_version[0:7], ["unclean", "clean"][get_repository_version_is_clean()], ) config.version_string = _version_string