Source code for sire.morph._perturbation

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[docs] def extract_reference(mols, remove_ghosts: bool = True, map=None): """ Return the passed molecule(s) where any perturbable molecules have been extracted to their reference (lambda=0) state (i.e. deleting their perturbed state) """ mols = mols.clone() for mol in mols.molecules("property is_perturbable"): mols.update( mol.perturbation(map=map).extract_reference(remove_ghosts=remove_ghosts) ) return mols
[docs] def extract_perturbed(mols, remove_ghosts: bool = True, map=None): """ Return the passed molecule(s) where any perturbable molecules have been extracted to their perturbed (lambda=1) state (i.e. deleting their reference state) """ mols = mols.clone() for mol in mols.molecules("property is_perturbable"): mols.update( mol.perturbation(map=map).extract_perturbed(remove_ghosts=remove_ghosts) ) return mols
[docs] def zero_ghost_bonds(mols, map=None): """ Zero any bonds in the reference or perturbed states where any of the atoms in those states is a ghost (dummy) atom """ mols = mols.clone() for mol in mols.molecules("property is_perturbable"): mols.update(mol.perturbation(map=map).zero_ghost_bonds(auto_commit=True)) return mols
[docs] def zero_ghost_angles(mols, map=None): """ Zero any angles in the reference or perturbed states where any of the atoms in those states is a ghost (dummy) atom """ mols = mols.clone() for mol in mols.molecules("property is_perturbable"): mols.update(mol.perturbation(map=map).zero_ghost_angles(auto_commit=True)) return mols
[docs] def zero_ghost_torsions(mols, map=None): """ Zero any torsions (dihedrals or impropers) in the reference or perturbed states where any of the atoms in those states is a ghost (dummy) atom """ mols = mols.clone() for mol in mols.molecules("property is_perturbable"): mols.update(mol.perturbation(map=map).zero_ghost_torsions(auto_commit=True)) return mols
[docs] class Perturbation: """ This class provides lots of convenience functions that make it easier to work with an visualise perturbations """ def __init__(self, mol, map=None): """ Construct the Perturbation object from the passed molecule. Note that this molecule must be perturbable """ from ..base import create_map map = create_map(map) if not mol.has_property(map["is_perturbable"]): raise ValueError( "You can only create a `Perturbation` from a " "perturbable molecule!" ) if not["is_perturbable"]): raise ValueError( "You can only create a `Perturbation` from a " "perturbable molecule!" ) # construct the perturbation objects that can move the # coordinates between the end states self._perturbations = None props = [ "LJ", "ambertype", "angle", "atomtype", "bond", "charge", "coordinates", "dihedral", "element", "forcefield", "gb_radii", "gb_screening", "improper", "intrascale", "mass", "name", "parameters", "treechain", ] self._map = map self._map0 = map.add_suffix("0", props) self._map1 = map.add_suffix("1", props) self._mol = mol.clone() def __str__(self): return f"Perturbation( {self._mol} )" def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def _get_perturbations(self): """ Find all of the perturbations in the molecule """ from ..legacy.MM import AmberBond, AmberAngle from ..cas import Symbol from ..units import angstrom, radian from ..legacy.Mol import ( GeometryPerturbations, BondPerturbation, AnglePerturbation, ) if self._perturbations is not None: return self._perturbations mol = self._mol self._perturbations = GeometryPerturbations() # identify all of the ghost atoms from_ghosts = [] to_ghosts = [] for atom in mol.atoms(): chg0 =["charge"]) chg1 =["charge"]) lj0 =["LJ0"]) lj1 =["LJ1"]) is_ghost0 = chg0.is_zero() and lj0.is_dummy() is_ghost1 = chg1.is_zero() and lj1.is_dummy() if is_ghost0 and not is_ghost1: from_ghosts.append(atom.index()) elif is_ghost1: to_ghosts.append(atom.index()) r = Symbol("r") theta = Symbol("theta") connectivity =["connectivity"]) for angle in mol.angles(): # get the bond lengths desired by the forcefield at the # two end states in_ring0 = connectivity.in_ring(angle.atom0().index()) in_ring1 = connectivity.in_ring(angle.atom1().index()) in_ring2 = connectivity.in_ring(angle.atom2().index()) if not (in_ring0 and in_ring1 and in_ring2): pot0 = AmberAngle(angle.potential(self._map0), theta) pot1 = AmberAngle(angle.potential(self._map1), theta) theta0_0 = pot0.theta0() theta0_1 = pot1.theta0() self._perturbations.append( AnglePerturbation(, start=theta0_0 * radian, end=theta0_1 * radian, map=self._map, ) ) for bond in mol.bonds(): # get the bond lengths desired by the forcefield at the # two end states pot0 = AmberBond(bond.potential(self._map0), r) pot1 = AmberBond(bond.potential(self._map1), r) r0_0 = pot0.r0() r0_1 = pot1.r0() self._perturbations.append( BondPerturbation(, start=r0_0 * angstrom, end=r0_1 * angstrom, map=self._map, ) ) return self._perturbations
[docs] def extract_reference( self, properties: list[str] = None, remove_ghosts: bool = True, ): """ Extract the reference state properties of the molecule and remove the perturbed state. If a list of properties is passed then only those properties will be extracted to the reference molecule Parameters ---------- properties: list[str] The list of properties to extract to the reference molecule remove_ghosts: bool If True then any ghost atoms will be removed from the molecule """ if properties is None: properties = [] for key in self._mol.property_keys(): if key.endswith("0"): properties.append(key[:-1]) elif type(properties) is str: properties = [properties] mol = self._mol.molecule().edit() for key in properties: ref_prop = f"{key}0" pert_prop = f"{key}1" if mol.has_property(ref_prop): if mol.has_property(key): mol.remove_property(key) mol.set_property(key, mol.remove_property(ref_prop) if mol.has_property(pert_prop): mol.remove_property(pert_prop) if mol.has_property("is_perturbable"): mol.remove_property("is_perturbable") mol = mol.commit().molecule() if remove_ghosts: try: mol = mol["not element Xx"] except Exception: # there are no non-ghost atoms! from ..mol import Molecule return Molecule() mol = mol.extract(to_same_molecule=True) return mol
[docs] def extract_perturbed( self, properties: list[str] = None, remove_ghosts: bool = True, ): """ Extract the perturbed state properties of the molecule and remove the reference state. If a list of properties is passed then only those properties will be extracted to the reference molecule Parameters ---------- properties: list[str] The list of properties to extract to the perturbed molecule remove_ghosts: bool If True then any ghost atoms will be removed from the molecule """ if properties is None: properties = [] for key in self._mol.property_keys(): if key.endswith("1"): properties.append(key[:-1]) elif type(properties) is str: properties = [properties] mol = self._mol.molecule().edit() for key in properties: ref_prop = f"{key}0" pert_prop = f"{key}1" if mol.has_property(pert_prop): if mol.has_property(key): mol.remove_property(key) mol.set_property(key, mol.remove_property(pert_prop) if mol.has_property(ref_prop): mol.remove_property(ref_prop) if mol.has_property("is_perturbable"): mol.remove_property("is_perturbable") mol.switch_to_alternate_names() mol = mol.commit().molecule() if remove_ghosts: try: mol = mol["not element Xx"] except Exception: # there are no non-ghost atoms! from ..mol import Molecule return Molecule() mol = mol.extract(to_same_molecule=True) return mol return mol
[docs] def set_lambda(self, lam_val: float): """ Set the lambda value to the passed value """ from ..cas import Symbol from ..base import create_map from ..legacy.CAS import Values mol = self._mol.molecule() map = create_map({}) if mol.is_link(map["coordinates"]): # make sure we remove any link to the 'coordinates' property # as we will be replacing it with the calculated perturbed # coordinates mol = mol.edit().remove_link(map["coordinates"].source()).commit() if not mol.has_property(map["coordinates"]): mol = ( mol.edit() .set_property( map["coordinates"].source(),["coordinates"]), ) .commit() ) vals = Values({Symbol("lambda"): lam_val}) self._mol.update(self._get_perturbations().perturb(mol, vals)) return self
[docs] def commit(self): """ Return the modified molecule """ return self._mol.clone()
[docs] def view(self, *args, state="perturbed", **kwargs): """ View the perturbation """ from ..cas import Symbol from ..base import create_map from ..legacy.CAS import Values map = create_map({}) if str(state).lower() == "perturbed": mol = self._mol.clone().perturbation(map=self._map).link_to_perturbed() else: mol = self._mol.clone().perturbation(map=self._map).link_to_reference() mol.delete_all_frames(map=map) if mol.is_link(map["coordinates"]): # make sure we remove any link to the 'coordinates' property # as we will be replacing it with the calculated perturbed # coordinates mol.update( mol.molecule().edit().remove_link(map["coordinates"].source()).commit() ) if not mol.has_property(map["coordinates"]): mol.update( mol.molecule() .edit() .set_property( map["coordinates"].source(),["coordinates"]), ) .commit() ) for lam in range(0, 11): vals = Values({Symbol("lambda"): 0.1 * lam}) mol = self._get_perturbations().perturb(mol, vals) mol.save_frame() for lam in range(9, 0, -1): vals = Values({Symbol("lambda"): 0.1 * lam}) mol = self._get_perturbations().perturb(mol, vals) mol.save_frame() return mol["not element Xx"].view(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def view_reference(self, *args, **kwargs): """ View the reference state of the perturbation """ return self.view(*args, state="reference", **kwargs)
[docs] def view_perturbed(self, *args, **kwargs): """ View the perturbed state of the perturbation """ return self.view(*args, state="perturbed", **kwargs)
[docs] def zero_ghost_bonds(self, auto_commit: bool = True): """ Zero the bonds in the reference and perturbed states where any of the atoms in those states is a ghost atom """ p = self.to_openmm() zero_in_ref = [] zero_in_pert = [] from_ghosts = [] to_ghosts = [] atoms = p.atoms() for idx in p.get_to_ghost_idxs(): to_ghosts.append(atoms[idx].index()) for idx in p.get_from_ghost_idxs(): from_ghosts.append(atoms[idx].index()) for bond in p.bonds(): atoms = bond.atoms() n_in_from = sum([int(atoms[i].index() in from_ghosts) for i in range(2)]) n_in_to = sum([int(atoms[i].index() in to_ghosts) for i in range(2)]) if n_in_from == 0 and n_in_to == 0: continue elif n_in_from == 0: zero_in_pert.append(bond) elif n_in_to == 0: zero_in_ref.append(bond) else: zero_in_pert.append(bond) zero_in_ref.append(bond) if len(zero_in_ref) == 0 and len(zero_in_pert) == 0: # nothing to do return self mol = self._mol.molecule().edit() if len(zero_in_ref) > 0: bonds =["bond0"]) for bond in zero_in_ref: bonds.clear( mol.set_property(self._map["bond0"].source(), bonds) if len(zero_in_pert) > 0: bonds =["bond1"]) for bond in zero_in_pert: bonds.clear( mol.set_property(self._map["bond1"].source(), bonds) self._mol.update(mol.commit()) if auto_commit: return self.commit() else: return self
[docs] def zero_ghost_angles(self, auto_commit: bool = True): """ Zero the angles in the reference and perturbed states where any of the atoms in those states is a ghost atom """ p = self.to_openmm() zero_in_ref = [] zero_in_pert = [] from_ghosts = [] to_ghosts = [] atoms = p.atoms() for idx in p.get_to_ghost_idxs(): to_ghosts.append(atoms[idx].index()) for idx in p.get_from_ghost_idxs(): from_ghosts.append(atoms[idx].index()) for angle in p.angles(): atoms = angle.atoms() n_in_from = sum([int(atoms[i].index() in from_ghosts) for i in range(3)]) n_in_to = sum([int(atoms[i].index() in to_ghosts) for i in range(3)]) if n_in_from == 0 and n_in_to == 0: continue elif n_in_from == 0: # don't zero if all are ghosts if n_in_to < 3: zero_in_pert.append(angle) elif n_in_to == 0: # don't zero if all are ghosts if n_in_from < 3: zero_in_ref.append(angle) else: zero_in_pert.append(angle) zero_in_ref.append(angle) if len(zero_in_ref) == 0 and len(zero_in_pert) == 0: # nothing to do return self mol = self._mol.molecule().edit() if len(zero_in_ref) > 0: angs =["angle0"]) for angle in zero_in_ref: angs.clear( mol.set_property(self._map["angle0"].source(), angs) if len(zero_in_pert) > 0: angs =["angle1"]) for angle in zero_in_pert: angs.clear( mol.set_property(self._map["angle1"].source(), angs) self._mol.update(mol.commit()) if auto_commit: return self.commit() else: return self
[docs] def zero_ghost_torsions(self, auto_commit: bool = True): """ Zero the torsions (dihedrals and impropers) in the reference and perturbed states where any of the atoms in those states is a ghost atom """ p = self.to_openmm() zero_in_ref = [] zero_in_pert = [] from_ghosts = [] to_ghosts = [] atoms = p.atoms() for idx in p.get_to_ghost_idxs(): to_ghosts.append(atoms[idx].index()) for idx in p.get_from_ghost_idxs(): from_ghosts.append(atoms[idx].index()) for torsion in p.torsions(): atoms = torsion.atoms() n_in_from = sum([int(atoms[i].index() in from_ghosts) for i in range(4)]) n_in_to = sum([int(atoms[i].index() in to_ghosts) for i in range(4)]) if n_in_from == 0 and n_in_to == 0: continue elif n_in_from == 0: # don't zero if all are ghosts if n_in_to < 4: zero_in_pert.append(torsion) elif n_in_to == 0: # don't zero if all are ghosts if n_in_from < 4: zero_in_ref.append(torsion) else: zero_in_pert.append(torsion) zero_in_ref.append(torsion) if len(zero_in_ref) == 0 and len(zero_in_pert) == 0: # nothing to do return self mol = self._mol.molecule().edit() if len(zero_in_ref) > 0: dihs =["dihedral0"]) imps =["improper0"]) for torsion in zero_in_ref: dihs.clear( imps.clear( mol.set_property(self._map["dihedral0"].source(), dihs) mol.set_property(self._map["improper0"].source(), imps) if len(zero_in_pert) > 0: dihs =["dihedral1"]) imps =["improper1"]) for torsion in zero_in_pert: dihs.clear( imps.clear( mol.set_property(self._map["dihedral1"].source(), dihs) mol.set_property(self._map["improper1"].source(), imps) self._mol.update(mol.commit()) if auto_commit: return self.commit() else: return self
[docs] def to_openmm( self, constraint: str = None, perturbable_constraint: str = None, swap_end_states: bool = None, include_constrained_energies: bool = None, map: dict = None, ): """ Return the PerturbableOpenMMMolecule that corresponds to this perturbation in the OpenMM simulation. The arguments to this function have the same meaning as the equivalents in the dynamics() and minimisation() functions of a molecule. Parameters ---------- constraint: str The constraint algorithm to use perturbable_constraint: str The constraint algorithm to use for perturbable atoms swap_end_states: bool If True then the end states will be swapped include_constrained_energies: bool If True then the constrained energies will be included map: dict The property map to use Returns ------- PerturbableOpenMMMolecule The perturbable OpenMM molecule """ from ..base import create_map map = create_map(self._map, map) if constraint is not None: map.set("constraint", str(constraint)) if perturbable_constraint is not None: map.set("perturbable_constraint", str(perturbable_constraint)) if swap_end_states is not None: map.set("swap_end_states", bool(swap_end_states)) if include_constrained_energies is not None: map.set("include_constrained_energies", bool(include_constrained_energies)) from ..convert.openmm import PerturbableOpenMMMolecule try: return PerturbableOpenMMMolecule(self._mol.molecule(), 0, map=map) except KeyError: # probably need to choose an end-state - default to reference return PerturbableOpenMMMolecule( self._mol.perturbation().link_to_reference(auto_commit=True).molecule(), map=map, )