[docs]defget_standard_state_correction(restraint,temperature=_u("300 K")):""" Get the entropic correction for releasing a given restraint to the standard state volume at a given temperature. Parameters ---------- restraint : sire.legacy.MM._MM.BoreschRestraint The restraint for which to calculate the standard state correction. temperature : sire.legacy.Units._Units.GeneralUnit, optional The temperature at which to calculate the standard state correction. Returns ------- correction : sire.legacy.Units._Units.GeneralUnit The standard state correction for the given restraint. Examples -------- To create a Boresch restraint and calculate the standard state correction: >>> # Create the Boresch restraints object. >>> my_boresch_restraints = boresch( >>> system, >>> receptor=system["protein"]["atomidx 1538 or atomidx 1518 or atomidx 1540"], >>> ligand=system["resname LIG"]["atomidx 4 or atomidx 3 or atomidx 5"], >>> kr="6.2012 kcal mol-1 A-2", >>> ktheta=["28.7685 kcal mol-1 rad-2", "24.8204 kcal mol-1 rad-2"], >>> kphi=["59.8626 kcal mol-1 rad-2", "0.7923 kcal mol-1 rad-2", "55.1775 kcal mol-1 rad-2"], >>> r0="7.687 A", >>> theta0=["1.3031 rad", "1.4777 rad"], >>> phi0=["2.5569 rad", "2.9359 rad", "1.4147 rad"], >>> ) >>> >>> # Extract the single Boresch restraint from the Boresch restraints. >>> my_boresch_restraint = my_boresch_restraints[0] >>> >>> # Calculate the standard state correction for the Boresch restraint. >>> standard_state_correction = get_standard_state_correction(my_boresch_restraint) >>> print(standard_state_correction) """ifisinstance(restraint,sr.legacy.MM._MM.BoreschRestraint):return_get_boresch_standard_state_correction(restraint,temperature)else:raiseNotImplementedError(f"Standard state correction for restraint type {type(restraint)} is not implemented. ""This function currently only supports Boresch restraints.")
def_get_boresch_standard_state_correction(restraint,temperature):""" Get the entropic correction for releasing a given Boresch restraint to the standard state volume at a given temperature. Parameters ---------- restraint : sire.legacy.MM._MM.BoreschRestraint The Boresch restraint for which to calculate the standard state correction. temperature : float The temperature at which to calculate the standard state correction. Returns ------- correction : sire.legacy.Units._Units.GeneralUnit The standard state correction for the given Boresch restraint. Examples -------- To create a Boresch restraint and calculate the standard state correction: ``` # Create the Boresch restraints object. my_boresch_restraints = boresch( system, receptor=system["protein"]["atomidx 1538 or atomidx 1518 or atomidx 1540"], ligand=system["resname LIG"]["atomidx 4 or atomidx 3 or atomidx 5"], kr="6.2012 kcal mol-1 A-2", ktheta=["28.7685 kcal mol-1 rad-2", "24.8204 kcal mol-1 rad-2"], kphi=["59.8626 kcal mol-1 rad-2", "0.7923 kcal mol-1 rad-2", "55.1775 kcal mol-1 rad-2"], r0="7.687 A", theta0=["1.3031 rad", "1.4777 rad"], phi0=["2.5569 rad", "2.9359 rad", "1.4147 rad"], ) # Extract the single Boresch restraint from the Boresch restraints. my_boresch_restraint = my_boresch_restraints[0] # Calculate the standard state correction for the Boresch restraint. standard_state_correction = get_standard_state_correction(my_boresch_restraint) print(standard_state_correction) ``` """# Remove units so that we can raise to non-integer powers and take sine.# Params.T=(temperature/_units.kelvin).value()# Kr0=(restraint.r0()/_units.angstrom).value()# AthetaA0=(restraint.theta0()[0]/_units.radians).value()# Remove units so we can take sin.thetaB0=(restraint.theta0()[1]/_units.radians).value()# Remove units so we can take sin.# Constants.v0=((_units.meter3/1000)/_units.mole.value()).value()# A^3, the standard state volume.R=_units.gasr.value()# kcal mol-1, the molar gas constant.prefactor=8*(_np.pi**2)*v0# Divide this to account for force constants of 0.force_constants=[]# Correct for force constants of zero which break the analytical correction.# krkr=(restraint.kr()/(_units.kcal*_units.mole.pow(-1)*_units.angstrom.pow(-2))).value()force_constants.append(kr)# kthetasforiinrange(2):ifrestraint.ktheta()[i]==0:prefactor/=2/_np.sin((restraint.theta0()[i]/_units.radians).value())else:force_const=(restraint.ktheta()[i]/(_units.kcal*_units.mole.pow(-1)*_units.radians.pow(-2))).value()force_constants.append(force_const)# kphisforiinrange(3):ifrestraint.kphi()[i]==0:prefactor/=2*_np.pielse:force_const=(restraint.kphi()[i]/(_units.kcal*_units.mole.pow(-1)*_units.radians.pow(-2))).value()force_constants.append(force_const)# Correct "force constants" by factor of two, because the force is defined as 2kx,# rather than kx.force_constants=[2*kforkinforce_constants]n_nonzero_k=len(force_constants)# Calculationnumerator=prefactor*_np.sqrt(_np.prod(force_constants))denominator=(r0**2*_np.sin(thetaA0)*_np.sin(thetaB0)*(2*_np.pi*R*T)**(n_nonzero_k/2))# Use values with units to return a sire.legacy.Units._Units.GeneralUnit object.dg=-_units.gasr*temperature*_np.log(numerator/denominator)returndg